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Storage & Memory

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externe festplatte spinnt
meex 10 2069 Thread rating 28.11.2014 12:13
by InfiX Go to last post
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[GELÖST] SSD mag Windows nicht
karlstiefel 13 1824 Thread rating 04.12.2014 15:23
by GrandAdmiralThrawn Go to last post
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SSD unter Win8 schlechte Werte ? siehe link
s!LeNt_tR!ggEr 2 1148 Thread rating 08.12.2014 21:51
by s!LeNt_tR!ggEr Go to last post
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SSD auf Asus P5K-V Board
Hubman 6 1719 Thread rating 11.12.2014 19:40
by Hubman Go to last post
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Tool zum Festplatten wipen
Taltos 8 1724 Thread rating 22.12.2014 20:42
by Taltos Go to last post
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NAS beratung
Hellgroove 16 3150 Thread rating 26.12.2014 19:39
by Franky Creeps Go to last post
New, old or hot? 3 Attachment(s)
Samsung 850 Evo SSD's gelistet
questionmarc 43 4996 Thread rating 29.12.2014 11:20
by ccr Go to last post
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Frage zu NAS Upgrade - wie am sinnvollsten?
timbo 5 1305 Thread rating 29.12.2014 13:16
by ccr Go to last post
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nicht aufs turbo memory vergessen!
smashIt 0 1193 Thread rating 29.12.2014 15:36
by smashIt Go to last post
New, old or hot? 1 Attachment(s)
SandForce SF3700
mat 4 1358 Thread rating 11.01.2015 15:39
by Garbage Go to last post
New, old or hot? 3 Attachment(s)
Potente externe 2,5" Gehäuse für SSD
aNtraXx 9 2842 Thread rating 15.01.2015 15:06
by aNtraXx Go to last post
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Niftiy Alternative
Neo1010 8 1613 Thread rating 16.01.2015 10:36
by MuP Go to last post
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SATA3 PCIe Controller auf X38 Chipsatz (SATA2)
Cuero 8 1859 Thread rating 16.01.2015 21:26
by SaxoVtsMike Go to last post
New, old or hot? 1 Attachment(s)
Spiele auf NAS (Performance, Benchmarks?)
TOM 34 11689 Thread rating 17.01.2015 12:47
by Master99 Go to last post
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Seagate Warranty
emStone 2 1307 Thread rating 20.01.2015 09:28
by emStone Go to last post
New, old or hot? 2 Attachment(s)
smart read test failed - was jetzt?
wergor 8 2911 Thread rating 20.01.2015 23:06
by wergor Go to last post
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Freeze wegen schwebender Sektoren?!
Bogus 2 1124 Thread rating 23.01.2015 00:08
by Bogus Go to last post
New, old or hot? 5 Attachment(s)
Und jetzt ist sie hin (SSD Vertex 2)
quilty 46 7778 Thread rating 27.01.2015 04:50
by x37 Go to last post
New, old or hot? 1 Attachment(s)
NAS Platte mounten (xfs)
bluefoxx 18 3885 Thread rating 29.01.2015 12:26
by bluefoxx Go to last post
New, old or hot? 2 Attachment(s)
Langlebigstes Speichermedium gesucht!
DJ_Cyberdance 113 11492 Thread rating 31.01.2015 18:51
by Master99 Go to last post
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Mainboard+CPU suchen RAM
Taimat 6 1337 Thread rating 10.02.2015 18:47
by Taimat Go to last post
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Kleiner USB-Stick gesucht
pirate man 10 1639 Thread rating 13.02.2015 13:28
by Franky Creeps Go to last post
New, old or hot? 2 Attachment(s)
Arbeitsspeicher: Speed für Menge opfern?
AdRy 6 1781 Thread rating 17.02.2015 17:54
by mat Go to last post
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Class 10 SD Card und USB 3.0
timbo 7 1419 Thread rating 17.02.2015 20:18
by timbo Go to last post
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Solved: 3TB Datenplatte wird nur als ~750GB angezeigt.
Bogus 3 1704 Thread rating 20.02.2015 14:28
by Bogus Go to last post
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