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Stats: August 2014

mat 01.09.2014 - 11:06 6981 10


Legends never die
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: nö
Posts: 25564
Statistics [August 2014]

Top Poster:

UserPostsOntopicOfftopic% OfftopicChars
InfiX 302 191 111 36.75 106061
charmin 283 189 94 33.22 69769
rad1oactive 204 128 76 37.25 45177
userohnenamen 180 96 84 46.67 33367
Burschi1620 143 55 88 61.54 79003
FX Freak 136 85 51 37.5 26463
XXL 132 70 62 46.97 41792
lalaker 128 78 50 39.06 29112
daisho 127 79 48 37.8 51515
cr0ssSyntaX 124 49 75 60.48 26577
XeroXs 124 81 43 34.68 30365
NeM 121 44 77 63.64 66426
Error404 117 76 41 35.04 16698
sk/\r 107 36 71 66.36 32157
Nico 106 26 80 75.47 16187
Joe_the_tulip 106 30 76 71.7 44250
eitschpi 103 34 69 66.99 26970
mat 102 89 13 12.75 88816
Hansmaulwurf 102 17 85 83.33 82231
Earthshaker 96 82 14 14.58 19667
whitegrey 93 30 63 67.74 38519
pinkey 93 33 60 64.52 29298
quake 88 52 36 40.91 22087
wacht 85 44 41 48.24 27607
Turrican 84 30 54 64.29 8066
questionmarc 82 17 65 79.27 48989
Umlüx 75 58 17 22.67 17408
UnleashThebeast 75 32 43 57.33 14922
t3mp 74 14 60 81.08 40684
HaBa 72 20 52 72.22 21662

Top Threadstarter:

UserThreadsRepliesOntopicOfftopic% Offtopic
mat 13 237 10 3 23.08
Nico 12 191 2 10 83.33
aNtraXx 10 31 6 4 40
charmin 9 210 4 5 55.56
quake 7 177 3 4 57.14
FX Freak 7 28 5 2 28.57
eitschpi 6 18 2 4 66.67
DerBaumiant 6 17 6 0 0
FearEffect 6 51 5 1 16.67
Hansmaulwurf 6 185 2 4 66.67
Dune- 6 17 2 4 66.67
The Prophet 5 97 1 4 80
karlstiefel 5 57 5 0 0
VAC 5 65 0 5 100
Error404 5 46 3 2 40
Obermotz 4 27 3 1 25
WONDERMIKE 4 19 1 3 75
master blue 4 33 3 1 25
dematic 4 53 2 2 50
max 4 39 2 2 50
kleinerChemiker 3 14 3 0 0
rad1oactive 3 26 1 2 66.67
Gladiac 3 3 0 3 100
Fabsko 3 24 0 3 100
Umlüx 3 24 2 1 33.33
-=Willi=- 3 38 3 0 0
creative2k 3 8 1 2 66.67
GATTO 3 13 2 1 33.33
questionmarc 3 37 2 1 33.33
Weinzo 3 4 0 3 100

Top Threads:

Thread0wnerViewsReplies (this month)
Polizeigewalt Hansmaulwurf 4081 109
Oneplus One - Der Invite Thread charmin 3715 155
Toxikk - Frag like it's 1999 FirstBlood 3439 100
Geizhals Deals mat 3152 38
Im Urlaub Kreditkarte mitnehmen? lookoncook 2863 96
Mike´s RS Combi SaxoVtsMike 2850 75
WoW: Warlords of Draenor quake 2801 102
Das Ende der Durststrecke: GTX 880/870 im September, AMDs R9 285 Ende August mat 2727 25
Worklog: Case Labs Merlin SM8 meets Haswell-E The Prophet 2483 92
Wing Commander 3 aktuell kostenlos! mat 2378 45

Forum 0wner:

Air Cooling aNtraXx 3
AMD Processors - 0
Apple max 15
Ask Corsair Bluebeard 4
Ask McShark - 0
Wiederauferstandenes, namenloses Forum - 0
Benchmarks aNtraXx 4
Benzinbrüder SaxoVtsMike 38
Bug Reporting Burschi1620 2
Case Gallery Lenaschitz 3
Cases & Casemods Error404 17
Computer Displays Bender 4
Danger! High Voltage! DAO 4
Distributed Computing - 0
Drivers & BIOS questionmarc 7
Extreme Cooling - 0
Fun's Welcome Error404 3
Games Forum daisho 25
Geek Cuisine eitschpi 6
General Feedback mat 13
General Mainboard Stuff - 0
General Software InfiX 8
GNU/Linux, *BSD and other OS wergor 5
Home Theater & Multimedia Player ccr 7
include('coding_stuff.inc'); userohnenamen 5
Intel Processors Orux 32
Internet & Networking InfiX 11
Konsolen FX Freak 41
Lichtspieltheater Nico 48
m33t the g33ks Joe_the_tulip 17
Mainboards for AMD CPUs - 0
Mainboards for Intel CPUs Blumenkind 7
Members Only charmin 38
MMO quake 14
Mobile Devices charmin 152
Music Jukebox Turrican 30
Networking Hardware Locutus 12
Off Topic userohnenamen 36
Operating Systems dematic 16
Other Hardware Stuff dio 15
Overclocking Team - 0
Pixelfreak's Showcase hachigatsu 32
REQ: GFX - 0
SBT - Marketplace cr0ssSyntaX 41
Shop Feedbacks - 0
Shops - Info & Feedback InfiX 10
Sport & Fitness FireGuy 57
Storage & Memory InfiX 13
Suche Song/Artist/Album Hansmaulwurf 2
Systembau & Systemprobleme lalaker 34
User Feedbacks Neo1010 1
V5 Feature-Requests - 0
Video Cards Error404 10
Water Inside - 0
World Events & Politics Hansmaulwurf 72

Top Attachments in news and articles:

AttachmentNews/ArticleViewsUploaded by
nvidia-gtx-grafikkarten_196055.jpg Das Ende der Durststrecke: GTX 880/870 im September, AMDs R9 285 Ende August 51475 mat
windows-8-1-update-2-logo_196058.png Windows 8.1 Update 2 kommt am 12. August 50522 DerBaumiant
wing-commander-iii-screenshot_196072.jpg Wing Commander 3 aktuell kostenlos! 49264 mat
thor-intro-copy_196096.jpg In Your Face Friday - Thor ist eine Disneyprinzessin 46392 karlstiefel
geizhals-deals-logo_196268.jpg Geizhals Deals 36069 mat
vorschau-brille-packung_196229.jpg Praktikantenansicht: NVIDIA 3D Vision 2 33993 DerBaumiant
chiligreen-mobile-hdd-ilo-mw_196338.jpg Mobile WLAN-HDD: Chiligreen ILO-MW 30949 mat
angelbird-wrk-ssd-512-gb_196404.jpg Angelbird präsentiert ihre neue SSD wrk 23738 mat
hardwareintro_196456.jpg In Your Face Friday - Die Hardware meiner Eltern 19417 karlstiefel
gigabyte-x99-soc-force-mainboard-03_196615.jpg Intel Core i7-5960X overclocked! 3753 mat

Top Attachments in forum threads:

AttachmentThreadViewsUploaded by
20140808_153831_mod_small_196150.jpg Mike´s RS Combi 858 SaxoVtsMike
20140808_153901_mod_small_196152.jpg Mike´s RS Combi 858 SaxoVtsMike
20140808_153844_mod_small_196151.jpg Mike´s RS Combi 857 SaxoVtsMike
20140808_153812_mod_small_196148.jpg Mike´s RS Combi 857 SaxoVtsMike
20140808_153823_mod_small_196149.jpg Mike´s RS Combi 856 SaxoVtsMike
10593204_10152272208381299_8119111585577384472_n_196052.jpg fun's welcome (new rule: no post w/o joke!) 842 nfin1te
warlordsofdraenorlogo_shadow_196313.png WoW: Warlords of Draenor 671 quake
kntrrrq7zac9_196382.jpg fun's welcome (new rule: no post w/o joke!) 645 Error404
95776812_196381.jpg fun's welcome (new rule: no post w/o joke!) 645 Error404
66334066_196379.jpg fun's welcome (new rule: no post w/o joke!) 643 Error404


Posts 8365
Threads 327
New users 34
    Posts 74
    Threads 11
Average age 35.78
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Registered: Dec 2002
Location: aut_sbg
Posts: 15510
uhlala :D damn it, die htl muss wieder anfangen herst :D


Registered: Mar 2002
Location: Graz
Posts: 14532


Here to stay
Registered: Nov 2002
Location: Graz
Posts: 4958
Juhu, hab ein Forum geownt :).


R.I.P. Karl
Registered: Sep 2006
Location: ö
Posts: 8130
top threads & threads attachement war ich vorher noch nie, und erstmalig Petrolheads geowned...
mal was neues.
Wird wohl zeit das ich wieder zum Casebasteln anfange.

Average age : boh ey da bin ich ja nur knapp drüber


Here to stay
Registered: Mar 2006
Location: Kärnten
Posts: 4947
wow 5 mal dabei :), so oft wars ja noch nie


unsäglicher Prolet
Registered: Dec 2005
Posts: 3576
wtf ich bin da auch dabei :D

FX Freak

Registered: Feb 2004
Location: Pöchlarn
Posts: 12382
wieder dabei:)
dieses mal sogar das konsolenforum geownt.


Registered: Jul 2002
Location: Austria,Stmk.
Posts: 23254
lol, totalfail. :p


Registered: Mar 2002
Location: Graz
Posts: 14532
wenigstens wissen wir was du hörst :D


Registered: Jul 2002
Location: Austria,Stmk.
Posts: 23254
jo. sonst gibts derzeit ja nicht viel zu wisssen. :p
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