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World Events & Politics

Moderated by: WONDERMIKE, böhmi, hynk
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Sinti, Roma und Mercedes?
semteX 111 7780 Thread rating 20.09.2003 00:02
by Mr. Zet Go to last post
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News: Online-Durchsuchung in Österreich
crusher 47 7790 Thread rating 19.10.2007 16:18
by daisho Go to last post
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After Bailout, AIG Executives Head to California Resort
Spikx 72 7793 Thread rating 08.12.2008 19:08
by Dreamforcer Go to last post
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Microwellen-Kanone gegen Menschl. Ziele
zottel35 56 7831 Thread rating 31.01.2007 18:16
by aLdiTueTe Go to last post
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Kein Schweizer Kreuz mehr in der Schule
Dreamforcer 115 7833 Thread rating 31.10.2006 16:02
by ingomar Go to last post
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3. Präsidentschaftskandidat Habsburg?
Jackinger 108 7850 Thread rating 16.03.2010 18:26
by GNU Go to last post
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grOOvekill@ 119 7857 Thread rating 26.06.2004 08:31
by ill Go to last post
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[Sammelthread] "Das Lied der Selbständigen"
Bogus 27 7869 Thread rating 30.01.2017 19:22
by XelloX Go to last post
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Studie: Handy-Masten verursachen Krebs
M4D M4X 64 7879 Thread rating 01.03.2008 02:11
by bensh Go to last post
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Unterstützungserklärung schon abgegeben?
nicolas conte 36 7887 Thread rating 17.09.2019 14:14
by sk/\r Go to last post
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Der Digitale Euro
Bender 28 7933 Thread rating 01.07.2023 10:46
by hynk Go to last post
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M4D M4X 44 7985 Thread rating 15.01.2015 10:53
by Cobase Go to last post
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falls neuwahlen....
E.D. 112 7999 Thread rating 17.10.2006 11:28
by enemy2k Go to last post
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Poll: Nutzlos oder nicht: EU stellt die 1-Cent-Frage
wergor 47 8013 Thread rating 10.10.2020 18:59
by hctuB Go to last post
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Gender: Uni bevorzugt bei Aufnahmeverfahren Frauen gegenüber gleichguten Männern
Burschi1620 97 8044 Thread rating 25.09.2012 15:53
by Castlestabler Go to last post
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Poll: Prostitution zur Finanzierung des Studiums
Joe_the_tulip 82 8055 Thread rating 15.04.2008 11:37
by DAO Go to last post
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Explosionen in Beirut
Obermotz 43 8064 Thread rating 10.08.2020 11:23
by nexus_VI Go to last post
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London Terroranschläge
dosensteck 135 8111 Thread rating 21.07.2005 15:09
by semteX Go to last post
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EU-Gesetz: Ab 11. April beliebige Verpackungsgrößen erlaubt
SergejMolotow 84 8152 Thread rating 27.03.2012 17:48
by DKCH Go to last post
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das neue mediengesetz
BiOs 94 8157 Thread rating 12.07.2019 11:09
by Maestro Go to last post
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Nvidia will CPU-Entwickler ARM kaufen
wergor 37 8177 Thread rating 09.02.2022 15:32
by Vinci Go to last post
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Höhere MWst. auf fettes Essen?
H.E.N.K 115 8194 Thread rating 15.05.2007 23:15
by t3mp Go to last post
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MFE (Berlusconi) will ProSiebenSat.1 übernehmen
ccr 27 8236 Thread rating 18.12.2022 21:35
by WONDERMIKE Go to last post
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FPÖ will deutsche Sprache "retten"
Hansmaulwurf 110 8245 Thread rating 23.04.2009 12:23
by EvilGohan Go to last post
New, old or hot? 2 Attachment(s)
Strache und die Wahrheit
semteX 51 8269 Thread rating 01.02.2019 14:42
by Smut Go to last post
Showing threads 1601 to 1625 of 1987, sorted by in order, from
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