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User Profile for SergejMolotow

Here to stay

"We don´t need no education" - "Yes YOU do, you just used a double negative." | "Would i blow, everyones mind if i eat dessert first." |It`s like the rainforest. You change one little pitch, even the tinyest thing, and the whole rainforest dies. Do you want the rainforest to die? - No. - But that´s whats happening, if you open the red door. | Hello IT, have you tried turning it off and on again.

User Information
Overclocker Since 19th January 1985
Date Registered 21.01.2003
Total Posts 1007 (0.12 posts per day)
Last Post [PC] Heroes of Might & Magic: Olden Era am 25.03.2025 um 15:51
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Location Graz
Interests laufen, mountainbiken, lesen, PC/Xbox zocken
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