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Ram Faq 1.0

TOM 16.05.2006 - 00:28 1479 3


Oldschool OC.at'ler
Registered: Nov 2000
Location: Vienna
Posts: 7425
Unsere Kollegen von digit-life.com haben einen recht technischen Artikel namens RAM FAQ 1.0 online gestellt. Es wird ziemlich genau auf die altbewährten Abkürzungen eingegangen und erklärt was eigentlich genau dahinter steckt.
"...We proceed with a series of "user's guides" devoted to theoretical and practical aspects of various components of a modern PC, which was started by "Modern desktop x86 processors: general operation principles (x86 CPU FAQ 1.0)". This guide will review the main modern types of memory used in desktop systems (memory for servers and notebooks will be left beyond the scope of this article). That is SDRAM — SDR (Single Data Rate), DDR (Double Data Rate), and DDR2 (DDR memory of the second generation). Perhaps, SDRAM as such (in its initial SDR SDRAM modification) is currently rather outdated. Nevertheless, all the three memory types mentioned belong to the same class and are based on similar operation principles to be reviewed right now..."


still oc.at-addicted
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2. link funzt net...


Erdbeeren für ALLE!
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: Proletenacker
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ram f a q 1.0
der funzt:)


edit: nein,funzt doch net :mad:
scheinbar leitet das "faq" im link auch zum glossar mit der erklärung :rolleyes:
Bearbeitet von Starsky am 16.05.2006, 08:39


The Oilman
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kopieren und einfügen :D
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