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Sophos Anti-Virus - Klingon Edition

nails 20.05.2009 6493 17
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Antivirus is serious business!
Der Antivirus-Hersteller Sophos beweist Humor und veröffentlicht passend zum Kinostart von Star Trek eine klingonische Version ihres Antivirus-Scanners. Prinzipiell handelt es sich um eine voll funktionstüchtige Standalone-Demoversion für On-Demand-Scans, die auch noch in den nächsten 30 Tagen Updates empfängt.

Den mehr als nerdigen Text auf der Sophos-Webseite wollen wir euch nicht vorenthalten:
Why did we translate it into Klingon?

Our routine monitoring of sub-space transmissions alerted Sophos that the loss of the Klingon battlecruiser Klothos was not due to Romulan incursion into the Khitomer system, but a result of trying to remove VBS/PeachyPDF-A from the battle computer using M'swoN'kar after Commander Kor opened an attachment from the system S'cam-419.

Immediately our Product Marketing away team embarked on a mission to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and flog them Network Access Control solutions. Sadly they chose Qo'noS as their first destination and when their severed heads were beamed back to Sophos, the engineering team created this software, not in a spontaneous display of gratitude to the Klingon race (as the Register would have you believe) but to honour their memory.

Download: Klingon Edition | Can't read Klingon? What are you!!? Ferengi?

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