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ATI lässt Catalyst 9.9 auf die Massen los

Joe_the_tulip 14.09.2009 5838 13
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Das monatliche Treiberupdate für alle aktuellen ATI-Grafikkarten ist da: Catalyst 9.9. Dieses Mal wurden keine neuen Features implementiert, dafür eine Reihe von Bugs eliminiert.


  • Anti-Aliasing support for Ghostbusters
  • ATI CrossFireXTM support for Resident Evil 5
  • Graphics corruption fix for Sims 3
  • ATI CatalystTM Control Center - Basic mode now responds appropriately after exiting Quick Adjust Video Settings
  • Edge enhancement and de-noise sliders in ATI Catalyst Control Center no longer lags or appears out of sync with mouse movement
  • Launching Hotkeys Manager in ATI Catalyst Control Center no longer causes an unhandled exception error
  • The “Desktop Rotation” page in ATI Catalyst Control Center no longer shows additional information for the second display when the secondary adapter is connected
  • HDMI is now detected properly as DTV (HDMI) instead of DTV (DVI) when the HDMI display is hotplugged for the first time
  • ATI Catalyst Control Center no longer displays error message when specific HDMI displays are hot unplugged and hotplugged back
  • Intermittent failures no longer occur with Cyberlink MediaShow Espresso once a transcoding process has been completed
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