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The Bouncing Souls im Interview

UR5i 27.08.2009 22481 7
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Trotz einiger Strapazen im Vorfeld, konnten wir Endeffekt doch ein Interview mit den Alt-Punkrockern von den Bouncing Souls für euch ergattern. Wir haben sie zu ihrem 20. Jubiläum und ihrem passenden, nur über das Internet erhältlichen, Album 20th Anniversary befragt.

Ihren 20. Geburtstag wollten sich die Alt-Punkrocker nicht allzu einfach gestalten und haben neben einer Anniversary Tour auch ein neues Album veröffentlicht, bei dem sie nicht den üblichen Distributionsweg gewählt haben. Statt eine CD auf Epitaph oder ihrem eigenen Label Chunksaah zu bringen, ist monatlich jeweils ein neuer Song des Albums ausschließlich zum Download verfügbar. Zusätzlich gibt es quartalsweise eine 7'' mit den veröffentlichten Liedern. Der alten Zeiten wegen ...

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Das aktuelle Bouncing Souls-Album gibt es monatlich Lied für Lied zum Download
auf der Website ihres eigenen Labels chunksaah.com

Unser Interviewpartner war Bryan Kienlen, der neben dem Bass auch für so manches Artwork der Bouncing Souls verantwortlich ist. Wir haben ihn zu ihrem neuen Album und ihrer alternativen Distribution befragt und er hat uns sogar verraten was sie am Ende des Jahres vorhaben.

How are you and how is your anniversary tour going so far?

The year is flying by for us, we've been so busy. Right now we're on the Warped Tour which is always a blast, I love it!

What do you want to express with the name "The Bouncing Souls"?

It was just a play on words, taken from the back of my pair of Doc Martens boots I was wearing at that moment. The tag on the boots reads: "with bouncing soles"

How did you like the last 20 years; would you do it the same way again?

Fuck yeah! I can't imagine a better way than just what we did. It's priceless.

Bryan Kienlen ist bei den Bouncing Souls auch für das Artwork verantwortlich

As this is your anniversary record, was it different to write songs for it? Was it a certain challenge to create something special?

It's always the same in that we get together and write whatever comes, kind of harness and guide it a little together and try to push our boundaries as a band. Making music is an unbeatable feeling.

Gasoline, Airport Security, Mental Bits – The titles give no clue about the records topic. What is the record about?

It's a collection of songs; each song is its own complete thought. There's no theme running through this record, at least not one we consciously thought of.

You’ve recorded all of the twelve songs at once and now you kick them out monthly. Isn’t it hard to wait a whole year until all of those are released?

We actually wrote and recorded chunks at a time, but yeah it's weird holdin 'em back like this. But we are enjoying the weirdness and newness of it all. It's been fun have a new release every month; it's kept the whole year exciting in a new way.

Some people think that music industry is dying owing to digital media. You picked up this trend by publishing your songs online first. What encouraged you to take this step?

Just wanted to try something new, it keeps life fresh.

Does it work?

It has people talking and like I said, it's been fun for us. We didn't sell nearly what we could have on Epitaph, but that wasn't the point anyway. It just felt like something we needed to do, to avoid any stagnation or apathy setting in. We're no strangers to the DIY way of doing things; it's been good to get back to that completely.

So what’s the plan for your next album?

At the end of this year we'll gather up all the songs along with bonus tracks and release a CD on our own label (Chunksaah Records) for people who really want that format. I think we'll name it "Ghosts on the Boardwalk". It'll be rad.

Bryan Kienlen: "Making music is an unbeatable feeling!"

I’m sure you heard about the recent case of Jammie Thomas-Rasset, the single-mother that downloaded 24 songs and was sentenced to pay 1,9 Million dollars. What do you think about these recent incidents? Do you think that the music industry is acting righteously?

I think that is ridiculous. Charge her for the 24 songs maybe.

Now for something completely different: As this is your birthday tour - which are the 5 most important things to get your party rocking?

Good people, good music, beer, wheels, weather.

If you were invited to your own party as a guest, which present would you bring along?

Maybe a bottle of Patron tequila?

What else? ... Hey, thanks for your time!

No problem at all, see you around!

Wer jetzt Lust auf mehr von den Bouncing Souls bekommen hat, der schaut am besten auf ihrer Seite vorbei, oder holt sich ein paar Lieder um 0,99 $/Stück (Gasoline und Ghosts on the Boardwalk!), oder besucht sie am Two Days a Week am 4. September!

Wer die Bouncing Souls näher betrachten will, der kann das am Two Days a Week am 4. September tun
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