"Christmas - the time to fix the computers of your loved ones" « Lord Wyrm

Storage & Memory

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120 GB HDD -aber welche?¿?
niemand 24 1074 Thread rating 08.07.2003 00:50
by HANZO Go to last post
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welche 400mhz ram, die besten?
x3 29 1074 Thread rating 26.09.2003 18:17
by charmin Go to last post
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ram testen ?
Netsaint 19 1074 Thread rating 02.10.2004 16:37
by Viper780 Go to last post
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perpendicular recording wo ist es vorhanden?
dual-prozzi-fan 18 1074 Thread rating 21.07.2006 08:52
by Starsky Go to last post
New, old or hot? 3 Attachment(s)
ext hdd - win/mac - ich verzweifel!
Skatan 13 1074 Thread rating 21.05.2008 21:59
by Skatan Go to last post
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Probleme mit Corair PC150 256MB auf KT7A-Raid
flatline 16 1075 Thread rating 05.08.2001 13:18
by Viper780 Go to last post
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Dual Channel vs. single Channel DDR Ram ?
nostalgia 18 1075 Thread rating 02.04.2003 09:25
by MaxMax Go to last post
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REQ: Bkup Platte, welches Dateisystem für Archiv?
retro 18 1075 Thread rating 11.06.2008 09:38
by that Go to last post
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welcome to pr0n land :D
tombman 15 1076 Thread rating 24.12.2002 00:39
by whitegrey Go to last post
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maXX 32 1076 Thread rating 08.08.2003 19:35
by Fuchs Go to last post
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HDD Blackout ;(
sLy- 1 1076 Thread rating 30.01.2018 08:45
by ZARO Go to last post
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Welche Rohlinge sind gut und billig?
HeavySkater 22 1077 Thread rating 19.07.2001 00:10
by LordGogi Go to last post
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liteon 48x
Andy28 3 1077 Thread rating 04.04.2003 17:38
by XXL Go to last post
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Externes PlattenGehäuse!! LAN vs Firewire vs USB2.0
xymon 14 1077 Thread rating 10.07.2006 08:03
by Razor@Rulor Go to last post
New, old or hot? 1 Attachment(s)
USB-Stick lässt sich nicht öffnen.
schauppi 3 1077 Thread rating 18.12.2008 17:40
by t3mp Go to last post
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FSB Takt
KRuStY232 3 1078 Thread rating 19.01.2001 22:18
by Pani Go to last post
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BILLIGE dvd+/- rohlinge
d4v3-o 6 1078 Thread rating 07.07.2003 16:37
by d4v3-o Go to last post
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Kaufberatung Notebookram - 512MB
c147258 6 1078 Thread rating 14.06.2005 16:33
by c147258 Go to last post
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Meine Partitionierung unter vista64. Spricht was dagegen/dafür?
Bogus 17 1078 Thread rating 11.12.2008 23:27
by that Go to last post
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10TB-Ironwolf wird in USB-Gehäusen als "16TB Datenträger ohne Volume" erkannt
MaxMax 0 1078 Thread rating 20.08.2018 07:32
by MaxMax Go to last post
New, old or hot? 1 Attachment(s)
maximal spannungen Winbond BH5 / CH5 / BH6 ?
creative2k 15 1079 Thread rating 26.02.2006 18:47
by Aslinger Go to last post
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Externe Platte
Bimbo 5 1079 Thread rating 12.03.2006 13:13
by lagwagon Go to last post
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Poll: Was haltest von der HD?
Elektrosmog 36 1080 Thread rating 17.09.2002 22:18
by -fenix- Go to last post
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Beste 256 mb DDR ram für overclocken ?
-velo- 23 1081 Thread rating 03.08.2002 20:24
by KiLLa Go to last post
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Corsair XMS PRO 'spinnen rum'
Bogus 16 1081 Thread rating 20.08.2006 22:48
by Bogus Go to last post
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