Grafikkarten Roundup
JC 23.09.2003 - 10:13 755 0
Roundup @ TrustedReviewsIn this group test we've compared 19 cards from 12 manufacturers, using 11 different chips. You should be able to find exactly the card that suits your requirements, and more importantly we will guide you through one of the biggest PC buying dilemmas that you'll face this year.
Take a close look at our test results and decide which settings you want to be able to play your games at, and you'll find that the choice of chip is practically made for you. If you're happy using a resolution of 1,024 x 768 with no FSAA or AF then the FX5200, FX5200 Ultra and Radeon 9600 could suit you very well, and we found the Connect3D Radeon 9600 to be excellent value for £95.
Moving up the tree we come to the Radeon 9600 Pro, FX5600 and FX5600 Ultra. Cards with these chips will allow you to use a higher resolution or some quality settings, but not both at once.
Right at the top of the graphics food chain we have Radeon 9800 and 9800 Pro along with FX5900 and FX5900 Ultra. The Connect3D Radeon 9800 is stunning value at £214 and offers impressive frame rates at all but the most intensive settings. You get very little besides the card itself, but that suits a large section of the buying public.