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Stats: July 2017

mat 01.08.2017 - 19:48 4813 6


Legends never die
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: nö
Posts: 25564

Top Poster:

UserPostsOntopicOfftopic% OfftopicChars
rad1oactive 188 90 98 52.13 48190
InfiX 152 79 73 48.03 41375
NeM 121 24 97 80.17 72027
crumb 112 28 84 75 94702
Bogus 111 15 96 86.49 47197
blood 106 42 64 60.38 32325
Creeps 103 42 61 59.22 19382
mat 92 86 6 6.52 90261
wergor 90 36 54 60 65685
Viper780 83 51 32 38.55 26061
eitschpi 81 28 53 65.43 13874
XeroXs 81 61 20 24.69 20283
semteX 79 39 40 50.63 21481
lalaker 76 42 34 44.74 26422
p1perAT 74 29 45 60.81 27084
xtrm 73 43 30 41.1 26748
Hansmaulwurf 70 26 44 62.86 41219
WONDERMIKE 68 19 49 72.06 55476
UnleashThebeast 68 31 37 54.41 14721
ccr 68 22 46 67.65 23092
daisho 61 34 27 44.26 15399
sp33d 57 46 11 19.3 23418
mr.nice. 56 47 9 16.07 21868
Hubman 56 11 45 80.36 24075
XXL 54 12 42 77.78 25592
Dreamforcer 53 18 35 66.04 13203
charmin 49 21 28 57.14 9082
creative2k 48 31 17 35.42 20477
shad 48 30 18 37.5 10533
HVG 46 11 35 76.09 23862
RIDDLER 46 36 10 21.74 28279
Earthshaker 46 20 26 56.52 9165
22zaphod22 46 7 39 84.78 20860
HaBa 43 6 37 86.05 18879
Smut 42 36 6 14.29 9578
Longbow 38 9 29 76.32 18828
M4D M4X 34 13 21 61.76 7445
aNtraXx 34 11 23 67.65 11702
rastullah 34 10 24 70.59 7046
userohnenamen 34 11 23 67.65 5207
mani_portable 33 21 12 36.36 11519
D-Man 31 17 14 45.16 9361
Obermotz 31 13 18 58.06 5383
Bero 31 23 8 25.81 5112
Garbage 30 29 1 3.33 8856
davebastard 29 6 23 79.31 7082
Umlüx 28 14 14 50 8078
Hokum 28 1 27 96.43 10604
-=Willi=- 27 15 12 44.44 12816
HUJILU 27 4 23 85.19 7309

Top Threadstarter:

UserThreadsRepliesOntopicOfftopic% Offtopic
HVG 15 44 0 15 100
mat 7 95 7 0 0
Bogus 5 18 0 5 100
aNtraXx 5 17 2 3 60
creative2k 5 25 1 4 80
karlstiefel 4 7 4 0 0
rad1oactive 4 72 3 1 25
XeroXs 4 7 1 3 75
Neo1010 4 16 0 4 100
The Prophet 3 15 0 3 100
NeM 3 39 1 2 66.67
wergor 3 22 3 0 0
blood 3 10 2 1 33.33
D-Man 3 17 0 3 100
ccr 2 0 0 2 100
Bero 2 9 2 0 0
T3XT4 2 13 0 2 100
Turtle 2 19 0 2 100
userohnenamen 2 10 0 2 100
Denne 2 19 2 0 0
quake 2 20 1 1 50
Umlüx 2 14 1 1 50
Creeps 2 10 1 1 50
dio 2 11 1 1 50
enjoy 2 4 2 0 0
WONDERMIKE 2 4 0 2 100
Smut 2 7 1 1 50
retro 2 18 2 0 0
Locutus 2 10 1 1 50
marktuwen 2 1 2 0 0
Jazzman 2 9 1 1 50
corny 1 3 0 1 100
p1perAT 1 0 0 1 100
rockyyy 1 1 0 1 100
Balu 1 9 1 0 0
crumb 1 3 0 1 100
Reakwon 1 1 1 0 0
pinkey 1 1 1 0 0
PIMP 1 0 0 1 100
xtrm 1 14 1 0 0
prronto 1 9 1 0 0
Reiter91 1 4 1 0 0
Obermotz 1 8 1 0 0
guni 1 1 0 1 100
pedroN 1 1 1 0 0
Alex999 1 6 0 1 100
Tristar 1 4 0 1 100
PcKILLA 1 8 0 1 100
Hokum 1 0 0 1 100
tinker 1 2 1 0 0

Top Link Poster:

using the Post-A-Link-Feature

UserPosted Links
HVG 38
p1perAT 24
Creeps 22
NeM 19
crumb 18
mat 16
wergor 13
Hansmaulwurf 12
rad1oactive 12
Bogus 12
creative2k 12
XXL 11
blood 11
Dreamforcer 10
mani_portable 10
Ultimus 10
D-Man 9
M4D M4X 9
mr.nice. 8
InfiX 7
Aslinger 5
JC 5
eitschpi 4
semteX 4
dosen 4
FX Freak 4
XeroXs 4
enjoy 3
Maestro 3
Punisher 3
Diego 2
Lord Wyrm 2
-=Willi=- 2
Smut 2
Obermotz 2
Garbage 2
Römi 2
Locutus 2
Umlüx 2
Earthshaker 2
questionmarc 2
22zaphod22 2
Hokum 2
prronto 2
clauskadrnoschka 1
Rogaahl 1
Jazzman 1
brain_death 1
sichNix 1

Top Threads:

Thread0wnerViewsReplies (this month)
Kaby Lake X: Intel Core i7-7740X im Test mat 10100 17
oc.at Radio: IYFP07 Witness the Fitness karlstiefel 6122 7
Intel X299 HPET Bug sorgt für Performance-Probleme mat 5569 64
oc.at Radio: Sondersendung #1 master_burn 3544 29
Buildlog: Dual X5650 (Back in business *yay*) :) RIDDLER 3372 57
Neues Gaming Rig - µATX! - Ryzen! rad1oactive 1856 37
Problem: 6GPU Mining Rig haris1806 1430 26
Neuen Gaming-PC zusammenstellen archol 1383 33
RIP Chester Bennington (Linkin Park) NeM 1187 32
Problem mit Gigabit NW timbo 1088 14

Forum 0wner:

Apple Smut 14
Applications, Apps & Drivers ccr 5
Wiederauferstandenes, namenloses Forum - 0
Benzinbrüder lalaker 13
Coding Stuff wergor 10
Community Hub mat 24
Cooling Bero 4
Danger! High Voltage! GrandAdmiralThrawn 3
Desktops RIDDLER 22
DIY/SoC - 0
Geek Cuisine crumb 10
Gehäuse - 0
Grafikkarten InfiX 19
Home Theater Punisher 4
Internet & Provider eitschpi 6
Konsolen XeroXs 12
Laptops Denne 4
Lichtspieltheater blood 46
Linux and other OS COLOSSUS 5
Mainboards __Luki__ 6
Members Only Starsky 4
Monitore mr.nice. 7
Netzwerktechnik timbo 5
Number Crunching Hansmaulwurf 21
Offtopic NeM 39
Overclocking Team - 0
Pixelfreaks Viper780 4
Prozessoren mat 35
Science NeM 4
Shops & Shopping quake 7
Smartphones & Tablets xtrm 9
Sonstige Peripherie pirate man 5
Spiele p1perAT 17
Sport & Fitness charmin 13
Storage & Memory Aeefire 3
Suche/Biete/Tausche Bogus 31
User Feedbacks argh 2
Vapers Lounge waveliner 6
Windows rad1oactive 1
World Events & Politics crumb 65

Top Attachments in news and articles:

AttachmentNews/ArticleViewsUploaded by
kaby-lake-x-intel-core-i7-7740x-im-test-preview_223639.jpg Kaby Lake X: Intel Core i7-7740X im Test 52189 mat
overclockers-podcast-sondersendung_223974.jpg oc.at Radio: Sondersendung #1 21451 mat
x299-hpet-bug-doom_224050.png Intel X299 HPET Bug sorgt für Performance-Probleme 15065 mat
hpeton_224110.jpg Intel X299 HPET Bug sorgt für Performance-Probleme 518 Hornet331
hpetdefault_224109.jpg Intel X299 HPET Bug sorgt für Performance-Probleme 518 Hornet331
disabled_224111.png Intel X299 HPET Bug sorgt für Performance-Probleme 504 daisho
enabled_224112.png Intel X299 HPET Bug sorgt für Performance-Probleme 503 daisho
hpet_on_224084.png Intel X299 HPET Bug sorgt für Performance-Probleme 495 wacht
hpet_224085.png Intel X299 HPET Bug sorgt für Performance-Probleme 478 der~erl
unbenannt_224090.png Intel X299 HPET Bug sorgt für Performance-Probleme 455 Blaues U-boot

Top Attachments in forum threads:

AttachmentThreadViewsUploaded by
amd-ryzen-threadripper-package-lisa-su_224077.jpg AMD Ryzen Threadripper 667 mat
wtf_223840.png Amazon Prime auch in Österreich 499 InfiX
6666666_223911.jpg Der Gaming-Schnäppchen-Thread 492 Diego
cryptocurrency-mining-consumes-power-budget-of-a-small-country-general-business-1_223860.png Bitcoin - aka elektronisches Geld 480 mr.nice.
cryptocurrency-mining-consumes-power-budget-of-a-small-country-general-business-2_223861.png Bitcoin - aka elektronisches Geld 479 mr.nice.
c4jt321_223871.png Bitcoin - aka elektronisches Geld 386 daisho
coff_223961.png Intel Coffee Lake 336 rad1oactive
0hqyd5l_223997.gif Bitcoin - aka elektronisches Geld 327 daisho
threadripper-overclocking_224253.jpg AMD Ryzen Threadripper 319 mat
threadripper-5-2-ghz-16-cores_224252.jpg AMD Ryzen Threadripper 318 mat


Posts 5109
Threads 187
New users 28
    Posts 29
    Threads 9
Average age
(active users)
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Registered: May 2004
Location: Wels Land
Posts: 4688
Die 10 Tage am Balkan machen sich bemerkbar, erstmals seit langem nicht in den Stats :D


knows about the birb
Registered: Jul 2005
Location: Virgo Superclust..
Posts: 12687
yay - mein ryzen gaming rig hats in die top threads geschafft :D :cool:


Registered: Sep 2009
Location: AT
Posts: 2953
wut? Spiele ge0wned :eek:

Überraschung mal wieder rot :D


Komischer Kauz
Registered: Mar 2012
Location: Jig-Jig Street
Posts: 7355
Jo auch mal wieder rot. Damn.


Registered: Mar 2002
Location: Graz
Posts: 14539
soweit oben und dann auch noch schwarz, danke AMD :D


aka Fas7play
Registered: Sep 2002
Location: GU
Posts: 6016
seit was weiß ich wie vielen monaten wieder mal in den top postern? ... sogar recht brav mit 20% OT.. danke AMD :D
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