IPCop v1.3.0 STABLE Released
Cobase 23.04.2003 - 23:07 426 0
VereinsmitgliedMr. RAM
http://www.ipcop.org/cgi-bin/twiki/view/IPCop/WebHomeThis release marks the transition to the Linux 2.4 kernel and iptables, providing an environment with even higher security. Changelog: - Linux 2.4 kernel and iptables support - New supported hardware includes: - ECI ADSL supported modems - Alcatel Speedtouch 330 modem - Updated software includes: - Speedtouch 1.2beta - Snort 2.0.0 - Super FreeS/Wan 1.99 kb2c - Improved portforwarding interface: - Support for port ranges - Support for PPTP (GRE) Download