"Christmas - the time to fix the computers of your loved ones" « Lord Wyrm

USA & Redefreiheit

xdfk 02.02.2005 - 23:55 3749 28 Thread rating


pädagogisch wertvoll
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interessanter artikel.

es hat mich wirlich ueberrascht dass ein amerikaner auch zu so einem entschluss kommen kann.
ich glaub es gibt doch noch hoffnung fuer diese welt :)

seine ausdrucksweise wuerde ich jedoch nicht gerade befuerworten.


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Unbelehrbar sagt er auch heute noch: "Wenn Du so etwas den Familien und Kindern anderer Leute antust, ist solch ein Anschlag die ganz natürliche Folge."

"unbelehrbar" passt in dem Fall überhaupt nicht /imho ... auch wenn er sich anderswo extremer geäußert hat


master of disaster
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über das "wie" kann man streiten, aber über das "was" nicht.
er hat einfach die wahrheit gesagt und "."


Here to stay
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Zitat von smashIt
über das "wie" kann man streiten, aber über das "was" nicht.
er hat einfach die wahrheit gesagt und "."

ack, find ich übrigens fein das das hamilton college ihm trotzdem reden lässt und ihm gleich noch einen grösseren saal gibt


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Wien
Posts: 18
es ist auch unser fehler der europäer die amis alle in einen topf zu werfen ! es sind nicht alle gleich ... die ost und westküste ist normal ... nur das was im landesinneren ist ist ne katastrophe !


Dr. Funkenstein
Registered: Mar 2001
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Zitat von Serum
es ist auch unser fehler der europäer die amis alle in einen topf zu werfen ! es sind nicht alle gleich ... die ost und westküste ist normal ... nur das was im landesinneren ist ist ne katastrophe !

Du wirfst gerade alle aus dem Landesinneren in einen Topf .. :D

Fällt es unter "Redefreiheit" wenn jemand die Ausschwitz-Lüge verbreitet? Oder nationalsozialistisches Gedankengut verbreitet?

In .at z.B. nicht, da ist das verboten, in den USA denke ich schon (afaik nicht verboten).

Das ist IMHO ein sehr komplexes Thema mit nicht nur einer/m richtigen Ansicht/Antwort/Ansatz ...

iirc hats Voltaire mal sinngemäß folgendes gesagt:
"Auch wenn ich hasse was sie sagen, aber ich würde sterben wollen dafür dass sie es sagen dürfen"

Abgeschwächt sehe ich das auch so, z.B. hier.

Allerdings: unter dem Artikel "Redefreiheit" und dem Pochen auf denselben ist hier schon so viel Schwachsinn gesagt worden (und wird auch gesagt werden), da denke ich wirds "im Großen" auch nicht anders sein ...


Bloody Newbie
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Zitat von HaBa
Du wirfst gerade alle aus dem Landesinneren in einen Topf .. :D

hoppla ... stimmt ! naja ich probiers immer wieder aber werde mich anscheinend nie ändern :D


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Die Thesen, die der Mann aufstellt find ich gar nicht so blöd...
So viel ich aus diesem Artikel herausgelesen habe, meint der Prof, dass sich der nahe Osten durch die USA und deren Spekulanten sich bedroht fühlt(und imho mehr als zu recht)

Im nahen Osten passieren immer wieder furchtbare Sachen.... und für die Menschen sind die USA und vor allem die Spekulanten daran Schuld(=Großkonzerne=massenmörder, die speziele bevölkerungsschichten umbringen.... ala eichmann)...
und wo befanden sich die meisten von den Wirtschaftern....->im World Trade Center->rächen wir uns/verteitigen wir uns und greifen wir an...

Telemicus Rade

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*ahem* I do hope you'll pardon my English here, but my German is rather limited. I've been searching high and low for a forum I can read a fair international perspective on politics (and actually life in general) that isn't presented by the foreign media. I enjoy traveling and speak several different languages, but I fear German is not one of them at this point. I'll make a point to change that in the near future.

I'm unsure if I'm welcome here, but this is the internet, and to just browse .com and .co.uk sites are rather boring. This pose an interesting problem because most of the other perspectives on life are in languages different from my own. Regardless, I hope you guys will let me read this forum and occasionally comment on your thoughts... Let me know if you'd rather not have me here. :)

And please do not feel compelled to respond to me in English... Google's translator works just fine, and for those few occurrances that I don't know what you're saying, I can ask.

(Short bio: I'm dual national American and Canadian, live mostly in New Hampshire and Quebec, and am a student in a college doing a double degree in math and languages.)

Back to this discussion at hand... I will not hesitate to hide my contempt for this particular professor. Everyone has the right to free speech, but not everyone has the right to be heard. I disagree with what he is saying and I would definitely want him to resign if he was at my university. He has gone just a little too far.

Interestingly enough, this is quite often called clamping down on dissent by the left (Democrats, Kerry supporters) in this country. They like to say that this is bad because it restricts free speech. Obviously, I disagree with them for the reasons previously mentioned, however, they miss one important question.

In a lot of Europe it is illegal to sell and own Nazi artifacts. It is also illegal to recruit for a Nazi party. Is this not worse than firing this professor?


Registered: Jun 2002
Location: CH
Posts: 4737
hi, telemicus
you're welcome here ;), don't be "afraid" :D ;)

I think, that it should be lagal to own nazi artifacts, but as soon as you ARE a nazi, it should be illegal, and of course it should be illegal to recruit for a nazi party, because we all know where this could lead to ;)

i hope my english isn't that bad!


Registered: Jun 2001
Location: Wien
Posts: 839
Zitat von Telemicus Rade
the left (Democrats, Kerry supporters)

the democrats are center, and the republicans right-wing.
there exists no "left" in the us.

do you share this european perspective?

i partly agree with prof. churchill's perspective, and compared to what u.s. politicians and journalists say (eg. on tv) i see absolutely no reason why this man should resign...
Bearbeitet von DaVe dA RiPPA am 01.03.2005, 19:51

Telemicus Rade

Bloody Newbie
Registered: Feb 2005
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Well Dave, I consider the Democrats to be far left, and Republicans to be left-center. I'm neither. I'm with the Republicans economically, and mostly with the Democrats socially. I do not consider someone center who believes in redistribution of wealth. That is far, far left. Since so many Republicans also believe in social security (government pension plan) and medicare (government health care) and medicaid (government health care for poor people), I consider them at most in the center somewhere.

If you agree with Prof. Churchill's perspective, do you support making Nazi parties illegal? Isn't this also crushing down on the opposition?

i hope my english isn't that bad!
Far, far better than my German. :)


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Zitat von Telemicus Rade
Well Dave, I consider the Democrats to be far left, and Republicans to be left-center. I'm neither. I'm with the Republicans economically, and mostly with the Democrats socially. I do not consider someone center who believes in redistribution of wealth. That is far, far left. Since so many Republicans also believe in social security (government pension plan) and medicare (government health care) and medicaid (government health care for poor people), I consider them at most in the center somewhere.

Well body...
My English is poor... Non Native Speaker...

1st of all... Why should be the Republicans good economics...
Giving big companies big gains isnt good for economics, because econmic=cash flow...->if the big companies collect the money... it cant be use to flow in the cylce...
giving the people money is good... so they can spend it... and companies need to produce things and for this they need workers...so the production increases...

in austria we got the same problem... we got the ÖVP(many industrialists are member of them) ... they decrease taxes for big companies... and the companies keep their gains...

Zitat von Telemicus Rade
If you agree with Prof. Churchill's perspective, do you support making Nazi parties illegal? Isn't this also crushing down on the opposition?

Far, far better than my German. :)
well at your NAZI argument...
in the USA the communist party ist practical forbidden...

and freedom of opinion is limited in one thing: opinions which endanger the base consensus(opinions like gas and burn all jews or make a dictatorship arent acceptable/tolerable for democracy)

PS: arent u canadian?
Bearbeitet von radio am 02.03.2005, 22:03


Registered: Jun 2002
Location: CH
Posts: 4737
radio, du bist native speaker?


Registered: May 2002
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Zitat von Telemicus Rade
If you agree with Prof. Churchill's perspective, do you support making Nazi parties illegal? Isn't this also crushing down on the opposition?
(attention: worse english ;)) the basic thought behind the "original" Nazi party was to "clean" the human race by killing million of people.

do you think it's a good idea to allow such a party? :rolleyes:

edit: now i finished reading the article... i fully agree with Ward Churchill, because America is allways fighting against problems in place of causes.
Bearbeitet von Jedi am 02.03.2005, 20:41
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