"Christmas - the time to fix the computers of your loved ones" « Lord Wyrm


Cobase 19.03.2003 - 00:59 1028 1


Registered: Jun 2001
Location: Linz
Posts: 17900

Eineso selten dämliche Seite ist mir selten untergekommen. :bash: Ausschnitte gefällig? Bittesehr:

aptflags.jpghouses.jpg unclesam6.jpg barbie6.jpg

Did Bob fly his flag improperly? Did Sally fail to attend the Fourth of July parade? Was Ed overheard criticizing our President? These may seem like subtle trangressions, but look closely--they are indicators of deep-seated hatred for America--the hallmarks of terrorism.

SNITCH is also offering these fine posters which harken back to a better time in America--when steak dinners cost $1.25, when cigarettes didn't cause cancer, when prayer in school was legal, when the God-given rights of the unborn were protected, and when everyone knew their place.

Not everyone in the world is good. Some people are bad. Some people are very bad and need to be punished. Even Mommies and Daddies can be bad. Even your Mommy or Daddy could be bad. How do you know if Mommy or Daddy are bad? It's not always easy to tell. But since you live with Mommy and Daddy, you might know better than anybody else! And if you think Mommy or Daddy is an Evil One, the good thing to do is to tell the police. The best way to tell the police is by calling 911, just like you do if there is a fire or you get a boo-boo. When you talk to the nice lady on the phone, be sure to say you are calling because Mommy or Daddy might be an Evil Doer. You will not get in trouble if you do this.

Das erinnert mich irgendwie an den "Sonderbonusmonat" (iirc) für Kinder in "Running Man", wenn sie Familienmitglieder verpfeifen :o

Den Vogel schießt allerdings das hier ab:

Der "Terroristentest" ist ja wohl das absolut Blödeste, was ich je gelesen hab. :bash: :bash: :bash:

EDIT: Wenn die Seite keine Verarsche ist, dann weiß ich nimmer...
EDIT2: Ärgere Verarsche, die Seite. :D
Bearbeitet von Cobase am 19.03.2003, 01:06


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Uff...ich dachte schon. :D
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