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World Events & Politics

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Polens Verfassungsgericht erklärt Teile des EU-Vertrags für verfassungswidrig
Hansmaulwurf 3 1065 Thread rating 08.10.2021 13:19
by sk/\r Go to last post
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Polen fordert 1,3 Billionen von Deutschland
Dreamforcer 2 715 Thread rating 01.09.2022 20:00
by sp33d Go to last post
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Pläne für autonome Systeme in der Kriegsführung
Hansmaulwurf 31 4429 Thread rating 08.06.2016 07:51
by HaBa Go to last post
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Plan A
crumb 31 6216 Thread rating 13.01.2017 15:15
by InfiX Go to last post
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pkw-maut im anmarsch?
MjrSEIDL 165 10089 Thread rating 15.12.2006 15:05
by semteX Go to last post
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PKW-Maut auf der Bundesstraße
HaBa 22 2267 Thread rating 03.09.2005 20:13
by Hubman Go to last post
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Piratebay goes IFPI [Update: IFPI fights back]
Pedro 22 3686 Thread rating 11.12.2007 15:18
by V!Ct0R Go to last post
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Pink Gang
prronto 53 2915 Thread rating 04.03.2008 20:26
by Duper Go to last post
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Physik: Verschränkung über Rekorddistanz nachgewiesen
kel 20 2536 Thread rating 11.06.2007 14:45
by Castlestabler Go to last post
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Petition zur Entkriminalisierung. v. Cannabis im Bundestag
EoS666 72 5551 Thread rating 06.01.2011 01:01
by WONDERMIKE Go to last post
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Personal Shopper der Diktatoren packt aus
Cobase 47 4158 Thread rating 18.04.2010 19:55
by zankarne Go to last post
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Pentagon lieferte falsche Ware
Spikx 31 2483 Thread rating 28.03.2008 23:42
by GNU Go to last post
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News: Pentagon errichtet Kriegsnetz
JC 38 8350 Thread rating 17.11.2004 10:39
by XXL Go to last post
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pensionsreform 1997 und schüssels damalige aussage
atrox 73 4616 Thread rating 01.05.2003 19:32
by slavi2 Go to last post
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Darkgoat 25 2161 Thread rating 12.07.2003 22:45
by HaBa Go to last post
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Peking 2008
Ezekiel 51 3675 Thread rating 24.04.2008 13:19
by fatmike182 Go to last post
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Poll: peinlich oder cool?
dosensteck 52 2903 Thread rating 23.01.2004 02:20
by WONDERMIKE Go to last post
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Peak Oil
BooTes 22 1780 Thread rating 07.09.2005 10:45
by questionmarc Go to last post
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Paydirekt - Paypal Alternative der deutschen Banken
Master99 6 1727 Thread rating 29.10.2015 21:04
by Crash Override Go to last post
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Patt in Italien?
dosensteck 10 867 Thread rating 11.04.2006 13:53
by Bullet0x Go to last post
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Patentstreit um 3D Spiele
daisho 31 1613 Thread rating 06.11.2004 19:45
by smashIt Go to last post
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Patente auf Lebensmittel (mal wieder Monsanto & Co.)
Mr. Zet 70 13199 Thread rating 16.07.2015 12:29
by crumb Go to last post
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Patent auf "ideale" Politiker
kel 1 4491 Thread rating 05.04.2007 20:02
by kel Go to last post
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Passt besser auf dass der Rechner nicht explodiert
NullSpace 5 924 Thread rating 23.06.2003 13:10
by semteX Go to last post
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Pass mit Fingerabdruck
TigerEnte 15 2317 Thread rating 29.04.2008 17:09
by nfin1te Go to last post
Showing threads 651 to 675 of 1988, sorted by in order, from
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