"Christmas - the time to fix the computers of your loved ones" « Lord Wyrm

User Profile for H@mster

H@mster"s Avatar Image

Bloody Newbie

Hardware:Xp1700+ TBred A AIUGA :: Asus A7N8X :: GeForce 4 4200
Gainward :: 2*CMX256-3500C2 :: Storage@80Gig Maxdor Platte :: Chieftek Midi

Software:Win xp(Sp1) :: Browser - Internet Exp. 6

User Information
Overclocker Since 15th August 1987
Date Registered 29.07.2003
Total Posts 21 (0.00 posts per day)
Last Post pro/kontra von radion 9800 pro...? am 09.12.2003 um 18:42
Contact H@mster not allowed
Jabber ID
Location Austria/Vienna
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