"Christmas - the time to fix the computers of your loved ones" « Lord Wyrm

User Profile for fred

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Little Overclocker

"The First Step Toward Failure Is Trying" - Simpson, Homer

2001 | dual amd1400mhz | 512 PowerRAM PC2100 CL2.5 | gf4 4400 |

2011 | i7 920 D0 @4Ghz | 12Gig Corsair Dominator | ASUS GTX470 |

User Information
Overclocker Since N/A
Date Registered 31.08.2001
Total Posts 88 (0.01 posts per day)
Last Post V: Corsair HX750W am 24.03.2011 um 10:33
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Location wien
Interests photography
Occupation chemist
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