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User Profile for bogi

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Leider selten am board :(

A busstation is where a bus stops, a trainstation is where a train stops and on my desk I have a workstation...

User Information
Overclocker Since 30th January 1984
Date Registered 05.03.2001
Total Posts 568 (0.06 posts per day)
Last Post "Die Ausgangsleistung des Smart Netzteils zu gering" am 24.03.2016 um 20:49
Contact bogi Click here to email bogi | Send bogi a Private Message!
Website http://hondapage.funpic.de
Jabber ID
Location Bez. Scheibbs, NÖ
Interests mein case modden, oc, und alles was mit computas zu tun hat!
Occupation Krankenpflegeschüler
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