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EDevices DDR2 1066MHz Memory

JC 03.01.2007 - 10:55 1001 0


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9066
Review @ VR-Zone
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At such low latencies, life begins fruitfully at 2.4v. 421MHz stable at CL3-3-3-5 at just 2.4v is a very good accomplishment if you do not recognize that. This is only something acheivable by Micron D9 RAM modules if you are in the know of the current abilities of various Memory chipsets such as Mosel and Elpida. Heck, the fact that the Memory continues to run stable and scale above 2.5v is clear indication of Micron D9 chipsets!

421MHz may seem like a low number for the greedy, but at CL3-3-3-5, I can assure you that it is at least as good as running over 500MHz at CL4-4-4-18.

[...]Results have spoken for the RAMs - Great overclocking, very good scaling with voltages, good speed compromise between modest voltage and MHz - all the factors one can associate with good Memory on Micron D9 chipsets... all there. We welcome the draws, but stay wary of the drawback - Those acquainted with the DDR2 Memory industry KNOWs that Memory based on Micron D9s cost signifcantly higher, due to the exorberant prices of this chipset. All is not lost, although it is definitely expected to cost more than EDevices' value series of Memory, from talking with EDevices, I have learnt that prices will be VERY competitive to the equivalent in the market. "Very" also applies to their line of graphics cards. I'll be able to get hold of some concrete $Numbers in a few days, but I didn't want to wait till then to publish this article, so check back to view the prices if you're an early reader.
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