Unreal 1
daisho 23.06.2014 - 12:33 9061 91
darkly dreaming
falls jemand vorhat, unreal wieder mal anzuzocken, dem möchte ich den fanpatch 227 ans herz legen, der mit neuen renderern (openGL & 1080p support) und vielen bugfixes daherkommt: Welcome to http://www.oldunreal.com, Oldunreal's 227 PatchThis package was created with knowledge and permission of Epic Games. This patch was made to offer all Unreal players a new, completely overworked and fixed version for our old "love". Although the main target was bugfixing, many improvements have been made and a lot of additions found their way into this new version. The general gameplay and the game itself was not touched and it should remain 100% compatible to old mods and maps Link: www.oldunreal.com
Here to stay
Cool, danke! Hab mir beim ersten Wiederspielen mit der Konsole geholfen, aber werd den Patch mal testen.
Falls jemanden die Eingaben interessieren: setres 1920x1080x32 fov 120