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Silmaril 21.10.2002 - 20:51 353926 4764 Thread rating


Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Wien
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ich schmeiß mal 10.7 drauf mal schaun

sc2 tips and tricks


das mit den infestors fand ich ziemlich geil (infested terrans spam)



sehr geil :D

Paar infos zum league system

[quote]League Information

Q: What do the different symbols, like the exclamation point, red arrow, and green arrow mean when viewing a division?
A: An exclamation point means that the player has been placed in that division but not played any games last week. A green arrow means that the player has increased in rank within the division since last week. A red arrow means the player has fallen in rank within the division since last week. A dash (--) means no change in rank since last week despite games played. You can hover over each icon in-game to view the player's previous rank or division join date from the in-game ladder browser.

Q: Will the ladder be divided into seasons?
A: Yes, eventually. The length of a season has not been announced by Blizzard, but all ratings are expected to be wiped at that time.


Q: I'm only in Silver, so why am I being matched against Platinum players?
A: Two possible answers: either your MMR is too high for your current league, or your opponents' MMRs are too low for their current league. Look at your match history. Are you commonly being matched against players from higher leagues? If so, you have an opportunity for promotion. Look at your opponents' match histories. Are they commonly being matched against players from lower leagues? If so, they are at risk of demotion.

Q: If I've never played 1v1, but I'm 2v2 Diamond, who will I face in 1v1 Placements?
A: Your performance in other brackets is considered when initially seeding your placement matches. In this case, you'd likely be paired with a Diamond player to start.

Q: What does Favored/Slightly Favored/Teams Even mean on the loading screen?
A: Favored status compares your opponent's hidden MMR with your displayed rating. If his MMR and your displayed rating are similar, it will show Teams Even and the match will be worth 10-14 points. If his MMR is slightly higher than your displayed rating, it will show your opponent as Slightly Favored and the match will be worth 15-17 points for a win (7-9 for a loss). If his MMR is significantly higher than your displayed rating, it will show your opponent as Favored and the match will be worth 18-24 points (1-6 for a loss).

Q: Is it possible for both players to see the other as Favored?
A: Yes, because it compares the opponent's MMR to the player's displayed rating. This is common when both players haven't played many games, meaning their MMR is higher than their displayed rating.

Q: I'm in Bronze with 0 rating and a poor win ratio. I'm only getting 2 or 4 or 6 points -- including bonus pool -- for a win, but losing 22 points for a loss! Why is this happening, and how will I possibly get above 0 rating as long as this is happening to me?
A: This one was tough to figure out because it doesn't make a whole lot of sense on the surface. Point gains and losses that are that extreme can only mean that you're Favored in every single match, but how is that possible if you're already in Bronze with 0 rating? The answer is that your MMR can go below Bronze 0. Because your rating -- which is zero -- is higher than your MMR which is somewhere far below zero, you will constantly be Favored. Because of the way MMR gains work, however, as long as you maintain a positive win ratio, you will eventually find matches where you are Slightly Favored and ultimately Teams Even and beyond. At that point, you will start to gain more points than you lose.
Speculation: This may be a remnant from Beta, either from when Copper league was removed or when players started at 0 rating when they used to start at 1000 rating. It could be that Bronze 0 is equal to Beta's 1000 rating (and therefore Bronze 0 = 1000 MMR).

Promotion and Demotion

Q: Do I need to be first in my division to get promoted, or last in my division to get demoted?
A: No! Your rank is a result of your displayed rating and is not relevant to any promotion chances or demotion risks.

Q: Do I need to reach a particular point value to get promoted?
A: No. Promotions happen independently of your displayed rating.

Q: I've been at rank 1 in my division forever, why haven't I been promoted?
A: Take a look at your match history. If you're commonly facing opponents from your league, then you're right where you should be. If you're commonly facing opponents from higher leagues, you may be promoted once your MMR increases or your sigma decreases.

Q: I won 10 games in a row! Why am I not promoted yet?
A: Your MMR and sigma may not have reached stability, or the system is simply unconfident about you. Expected outcomes cause you to stabilize the fastest. Your MMR will continue to rise until you hit your skill ceiling, at which point your win ratio will decrease and your rating will start to stabilize.

Q: Do I need to lose 7 games before being promoted?
A: No. There is not much point to gaming the system. Play as you would normally and if you belong in Diamond you will be promoted within a very reasonable number of games. People are regularly promoted with < 7 losses. People like CauthonLuck are significant outliers and you will almost certainly not have his problem.

Q: I'm in Bronze. Is it possible to get promoted directly to Gold?
A: Yes. It's possible to go from any league to any other league, wherever your MMR and sigma stabilize. Viewing your match history and the profiles of your opponents should clue you in to where you're likely to be promoted next.

Q: I just lost a game but I got promoted, how is this possible?
A: The system evaluates a trend of games, not just the most recent game. The answer is always the same: your MMR and sigma have stabilized within the boundaries of a higher league, and that loss contributed to your stability because it was an expected outcome.

Q: Is it possible I haven't been promoted because my APM or end-game score isn't high enough?
A: Both factors are irrelevant because they can be gamed. The only contributing factor to promotion is the end outcome (win or loss) and the skill level of your opponent (his MMR). This is confirmed by Blizzard's Leagues and Ladders FAQ, found in a sticky at the top of the Multiplayer and eSports forum.

Bonus Pool

Q: How do I increase my bonus pool? Do I have to not play?
A: Your bonus pool increases at the same rate regardless of whether or not you're playing. The rate of gain is about 1 point per 2 hours.

Q: If I start a new team, won't my bonus pool be smaller than teams that have been active for a month?
A: The bonus pool total is the same for everyone. If a team was created last month and has accumulated 600 bonus pool, your new team will start with 600 bonus pool. The total bonus pool accumulates from launch day, meaning regardless of your account creation date, division join date, or whatever, it will be equal to everyone else's total.

Q: Is the bonus pool considered in any calculations? How can that be accurate if it constantly inflates ratings?
A: Because everyone has access to the same total amount of bonus pool, it's unlikely that it is included in any matchmaking calculations.

source: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/vie...topic_id=150367
Bearbeitet von K4m4Hl am 23.09.2010, 23:02


Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Wien
Posts: 5239
Zitat von d3cod3
gibts eigentlich schon ideen wie man als zerg mass thor schlägt? hatte gerade einen richtig hardcore turtle terran auf blistering sands der sich hinter seiner exe eingebunkert hat und 2 millionen türme gebaut hat => kein nydus, keine mutas. dann kommt er mit 200/200 thors 3/3 raus und rennt einfach drüber. was tu ich da? ultra/ling/muta(magicbox) mischung hatte aber sowas von keine chance...

aus eigener erfahrung weiß ich wie schmerzhaft das ist. am besten natürlich exe verhindern aber wenn er mal 200/200 thors hat stirbt alles instant was sich dem ball nähert.
mit broodlords über einer klippe runterschießen ist imho das einzige das was bringt. nur wird er dir alle basen zerstören bevor du alle seine thors vernichten kannst. deswegen ist es denk ich besser wenn er rausgeht schnell mit ground einheiten oder broodlords seine base zu vernichten oder ihn garned aus der base rauslassen mit den thors.


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Zitat von d3cod3
gibts eigentlich schon ideen wie man als zerg mass thor schlägt? hatte gerade einen richtig hardcore turtle terran auf blistering sands der sich hinter seiner exe eingebunkert hat und 2 millionen türme gebaut hat => kein nydus, keine mutas. dann kommt er mit 200/200 thors 3/3 raus und rennt einfach drüber. was tu ich da? ultra/ling/muta(magicbox) mischung hatte aber sowas von keine chance...

Ich fand Thors schon immer schlimmer als Panzer (ausser vielleicht ganz am Anfang). Die kann man zumindest noch immer halbwegs handeln, aber Thors haben einfach keine richtige schwäche. Klar, einzeln kann mans leicht wegmachen, aber wenns entweder zu viele werden oder wenn der Terraner einen halbwegs brauchbaren einheitenmix zusammenstellt sind die Teile einfach nicht mehr kosteneffizient zu bekämpfen. Sowohl Koloss als auch Ultras haben krasse schwächen die man relativ leicht ausnutzen kann, aber nein, der Terra muss ja alles in einer Einheit versammeln. Aber es passt gut zum Gesammtbild der Terraner, easy going, der gegner muss eh 3 mal so gut sein wie ich damit er ne chance hat. Praktisch jede Einheit kann auf sogut wie alles schießen...

Mir hat der Patch im Grunde nicht viel gebracht. Terraner die MMM machen sind meistens halbwegs leicht zu besiegen, Terraner die auf Mech gehn viel viel schwerer. Gut, den Panzer sieht man seltener, aber ansonsten kaum Änderungen. Einzig gegen Protos ists eventuel ein ganz klein wenig leichter geworden, die fand ich aber vorher auch nicht overpowerd.


computer says no
Registered: Jul 2002
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interessant, was ist der mmr?


OC Addicted
Registered: Aug 2004
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könnte mir vorstellen, dass es MatchMaking Ranking heißen könnte?


computer says no
Registered: Jul 2002
Location: XXII
Posts: 3260
ganz check ichs ja nicht, wie das berechnet wird vorallem sind die mir zugetrauten meistens echt schlecht > allein heut hab sicher schon 8k an gas an meine partner weitergeleitet


Registered: Jun 2003
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wer will live dimaga beim craftcup zuschaun homerj casted



Here to stay
Registered: Jan 2005
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danke fürn link! :)


Registered: Jun 2003
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sehr unterhaltsames ZvZ eben - die banes am schluss einfach zu gut :D


Registered: Aug 2002
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wow. dimaga hat echt die ruhe weg. da steht der 4gate push vor der tür und er techt mal in ruhe die mutas fertig :eek:

Mr. Zet

resident spacenerd
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Zitat von d3cod3
wow. dimaga hat echt die ruhe weg. da steht der 4gate push vor der tür und er techt mal in ruhe die mutas fertig :eek:
Ich schau auch grad, aber bissal luck war schon auch dabei.

Aber das geilste war: der push steh vor der Türe und er geht seelenruhig mit einer Drone raus exen.. bruhahaha :D


Registered: Jun 2003
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war echt extrem geladen das spiel - die drohne hat alles getoppt omg


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und jetzt muss er gehen :( schade.


Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Wien
Posts: 1784
haha wie geil war grad das spiel morrow - fuse (?), allin hellion marine scv wie gut

Mr. Zet

resident spacenerd
Registered: Oct 2000
Location: Edge of Tomorrow
Posts: 12055
Das All-In vom Fuzer grad war geil! :eek: Aber irgendwie schade, wollte wissen was der MorroW mit seiner Factory vor hatte :D

edit: lol post in gleicher minute wie K4m4Hl :)
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