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für alle NIN fans Music for Doom 3

aLdiTueTe 26.05.2002 - 17:46 491 1


Registered: Nov 2001
Location: Cologne
Posts: 2569
Music for Doom 3

E3 has hit this year, and Gamespy is the first to confirm that Trent has been involved with creating sounds and music for the upcoming first person shooter Doom 3.
There's been quite a bit of speculation about the sound design for DOOM III, in particular if a certain musician of Nine Inch Nails fame will be involved. While an agreement has yet to be worked out for the full game, it can be told that Trent Reznor did all of the sound effects for id's E3 presentation. As mentioned, DOOM III will support Dolby 5.1 surround sound, and if you're able, seeing - and hearing - the presentation at full volume is an experience unto itself. As Reznor was quoted, "we want to get inside your head and make it an unpleasant place to be."

jetzt freu ich mich noch mehr auf das spiel
der soundtrack von trent reznor zu quake2 war schon mega :)


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war aber nicht tr, sondern sonic mayhem, tr hat fuer q1 und einzelne tracks fuer q3 produziert.

das tr doom3 0wnt, wiss ma aber eh schon monate ;) :cool:
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