Ex-Microsoft Games Chief Apologizes For Consolization Of Gaming
blood 01.04.2011 - 23:41 577 1
darkly dreaming
Robbie Bach, the former president of Microsoft’s Entertainment and Devices division, has apologized to PC gamers for the “consolization” of their hobby. “Am I happy to have been a part of the destruction of PC gaming? No, of course not. But I am proud of the fact that I’ve helped convince a generation of gamers that it’s cool to pay $10 for a pair of virtual sunglasses and that playing online should be considered a premium feature. [...]
“PC gamers have to understand one thing: they’re irrelevant jerks, and the whole world will be much better off if they would go away forever. Nobody in the gaming industry cares how much memory they have or how many slots their GPU occupies. Overclock your CPU? Why don’t you fill a cup of water and see if it gives a damn because I can guarantee nobody at Activision or EA gives a toss. Do you think we’re able to buy pet tigers making sure textures look good at your stupidly high resolutions? We’ve convinced gamers that sub-720p resolutions blown up to fill 60-inch TVs represents the absolute pinnacle in visual fidelity.
“I bought Crysis 2 because it’s Crytek, and Crytek usually knows how to take advantage of my PC’s hardware,” one anonymous PC gamer told CrunchGear. “And what do they churn out, this Direct X 9 trash? I wish I was never born. Why don’t I just take my PC, drive it to the tallest bridge in town, throw it off, watch it fall, then have Superman catch it mid-air, fly even higher in the air, and then drop it again and watch it smash into a million little pieces. At least then I won’t have to deal with Games For Windows Live ever again when I want to play F1 2010,” he said. [...]
“PC gamers should shut up,” ganzer artikel @ crunchgear.comja ich weiß es handelt sich um einen aprilscherz, doch traurigerweise entspricht der post zu 99% der wahrheit.
u wot m8?
“PC gamers should shut up,”
... said one console gamer who's probably too dumb to know he’s being trolled. Imho eine größtenteils aufgesetzte Diskussion wer mehr trve ist