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Crysis - erstes DX10 game

Wozuwakü 23.01.2006 - 18:12 72911 561 Thread rating


16 bit herz
Registered: Dec 2002
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Zitat von Easyrider16
ich hab ne 7800gt drin :fresserettich:

die radeon karten angeglich ende des jahres und die nvidias in ein paar monaten

war ja nur ein scherz :p

hm, dauert mir eh zu lange, da muss wohl doch noch eine aktuelle als übergangslösung her.


Registered: Mar 2001
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Zitat von maXX
ok, aber löcher in nen baum schießen ist dann wohl doch etwas zuviel für die engine :)

du hast mich etwas zu wörtlich genommen ;) aber es geht darum das es die engine angeblich erlaubt blätter, bäume USW zu "zervetzen"
wiegesagt es ist schwierigt die balance zwischen Rechnerleistung und realismus (dem plastischen wirken der einzelnen dinge) zu halten, und schwieriger wirds natürlcih wenn mehr blätter im spiel sind ;)


16 bit herz
Registered: Dec 2002
Location: dahoam
Posts: 10609
genau das ist ja der punkt. ich glaube eben nicht, dass man einzelne teile (zB blätter) von den bäumen runterschießen kann. ist sicher ein viel größerer mehraufwand an rechenleistung wenn so ein einzelner baum nicht mehr als ganzes angesehen wird.

anyway, das spiel wird auch so sicher großartig :)

oder habe ich ein video übersehen wo das demonstriert wird?


Registered: Mar 2001
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mir scheint so als hättest es übersehen ;)
BTW werden solche dinge sowieso nur mit einer Physiks karte möglich sein vermut ich mal oder ?

Aber auf die art muss meine X800XL wenigstens nicht in den ruhestand wenn ich mir ende des jahres ne neue Graka besorg :)


See you Space Cowboy
Registered: Sep 2003
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wirst aber pech haben ati physic funzt nur mit x1x00 aufwerst. ;)


the only truth...
Registered: Mar 2000
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Bitte gebt mir ein Predator game mit dieser engine :)

KONTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKT!!!! *allesummähmitderminigun* :D:D


Registered: Mar 2001
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mist @ physiks ;)

und jaja is schon gut Arni :D


Registered: Jan 2003
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Zitat von Ex0duS
und jaja is schon gut Arni :D

Die Minigun-0wnage mit "contaaaaaaact" war aber 'mac' alias Bill Duke, wenn ich mich nicht täusche :)


Registered: Feb 2001
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Hier gibt's ein Interview mit Cryteks CEO Cevat Yerli.
[quote]GI: One of the innovations that you’re are making with this genre is the nano-muscle suit. With the suit you’ve got powers such as speed, armor, strength, etc. Having those different powers has to make balancing a tricky issue.

Yerli: Yes, particularly because of multiplayer and single player. It has to do both. That’s the other thing. It’s a hell of a lot of fun in multiplayer already. To be honest, we actually started balancing with multiplayer first because we can test the boundaries better there – and then we give it to single player.

So speed, strength, and armor, or being able to change into any of the tactics, is like a standard toolbox. My vision isn’t always to give the player means and tools to express intelligence over the enemy and the situation – not just be faster in reaction speed. Outsmart the enemy instead of just reacting to the enemy. Outsmarting, for me, is what we can give the player in terms of tools in order for him to do that. So we developed the nano-muscle suit, whose weapon system you can customize.

We developed that to give you speed, strength, armor, and there are updates as well. It’s all for expressing your intelligence and it’s a little more detailed whenever it’s needed from the player’s point of view. Even down to the customizable bullets where you can customize the tactile bullet. You can give it up to four functions, where after you shoot up to four bullets and they stick, you can control their functions. So you can shoot three guys, for example, and then wait until they separate and then put them all asleep at the same time. You can coordinate your tactics that way. In multiplayer you could mark the pilot of the helicopter, wait till he’s in the air with passengers, and then put him to sleep to make them crash land. It’s a standard toolbox. It’s an immersion in gameplay that we have not seen before.

I have already seen things that I had not dreamed of. For example, one guy in testing shot the rotor of the helicopter, which is component damage. What he actually did was mark the rotor and then in the air blew that up. I was like, “How did you do that?” and he said “Well, it’s component damage.” The helicopter has a rotor and a back rotor, and if you destroy those you can actually destroy or manipulate the helicopter remotely.

New gameplay emerges out of these systems. I was running with speed power towards an enemy and shooting and another person came across running as well towards me, and he jumped over me, and in the air increased his strength, landed, and punched me to death. I was like, “%*&# you!” (laughs) It was like life straight out of The Matrix.

Another really cool scenario was when I was in the harbor under the water, and under a boat. I had the pistol, and then switched on speed and literally, like a dolphin, jumped in the air, pow pow pow pow – killed him. He was like, “What the #(*%!” He couldn’t see underwater because of the boat, but I could see him as an enemy on the radar.

This is an aspect that I’m proud of because the systems are working everywhere, and it’s not like it’s a scripted moment or event or just me versus a person or enemy. It’s always fresh. That’s the cool part of it and that’s what I mean when I say I want the player to express his intelligence in ideally the most wide range a shooter can offer.[...]

GI: How scalable is Crysis going to be for lower end PCs? Do you have a low end benchmark right now?

Yerli: We didn’t do a low end benchmark. What we are aiming for is going two years back in the hardware specs, and we will go one and a half years in the future. That literally means we can support the future before its here. We will support two year old hardware in every aspect and make sure it’s available.[/quote]


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Jun 2005
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mah ich freu mich schon so kanns kaum noch erwarten


like totally ambivalent
Registered: Apr 2003
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soweit ichs auf der GC gesehn hab hats mich nicht so von den socken gerissen (gameplay) aber mal abwarten wies ist wenn man wirklich zeit hat und nicht vom eigenen team gekillt wird :D

finds irgendwie komisch dass ich vom cevat noch nirgends ein interview auf deutsch gelesen hab :confused:


Registered: Apr 2003
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Zitat von hynk
finds irgendwie komisch dass ich vom cevat noch nirgends ein interview auf deutsch gelesen hab :confused:

hth ;)


Die deutschen Interviews sind jetzt hier zu finden:

Bearbeitet von Wozuwakü am 06.09.2006, 12:35


like totally ambivalent
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Linz
Posts: 11083
he kuhl danke :)


Registered: Feb 2001
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Crysis Updated Impressions @ GameSpot
The first-person shooter genre could be in for a very big wake-up call when Crysis debuts. The sophomore effort from Germany's Crytek is one of the biggest games on the horizon, thanks to the impressive screen shots released thus far and the reputation the company has earned from the superb Far Cry. As we covered in our last preview, the designers at Crytek want to create a game with a story that's as flexible and advanced as the cutting-edge graphics engine that powers it. In other words, you'll be able to go through the game in different ways instead of experiencing a rigidly linear storyline like that found in so many other first-person shooter campaigns. However, another goal of the design team is to create a believable and dynamic environment to battle in. The graphics in Crysis aren't just there for eye candy, as the game's physics engine means that everything behaves like it should, even when the conditions change drastically. Please note: this preview story may contain minor spoilers of some of the story elements in Crysis.


Registered: Feb 2001
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Posts: 9066
Crysis Q&A @ CVG.com
Do you feel less limited as an artist now that you're using Cry Engine 2?

It's both more and less limiting. It's more limiting because both our art, our technology and our design are very closely tied together. I mean, it's not the case that the art director can just do whatever he wants; one person does not make a complete decision; so many people and so many things are involved that you have to consider technical parts, design parts and gameplay aspects when you design an element.

From that point of view you have more limits, because you can't just sit there in a vacuum and create any art that you want; "I'm the art director, that's what it's going to look like and that's it," it doesn't work like this. On the other hand the technology allows you to showcase your work much better and everything you do can look much better because of this technology. It's a compromise; a little bit less here but a little bit more here.

Crytek's lead artist, Michael Khaimzon, has revealed that the developer could confidently port highly-anticipated PC title Crysis to PS3 and Xbox 360 - although there are no current plans to do so.
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