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Is it possible transfering HD signal from PC to TV set??

amon11 16.04.2010 - 12:03 1175 4


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Apr 2010
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My IBM computer has no HDMI port, which means i have no way to transfer HD signal to TV set. But i wanna watch computer's HD movie with 52" TV displayer. Double checked with IBM office clerk and i was told that only VGA to VGA transferation is workable using the computer. Damn!
I got the good news after searching on line that i need a Signal Converter, which could transfer HD signal from computer to TV set. Well, i am not so clear about the machine(Signal Converter)'s working theory, anybody who have ever used this before? please advice. I found this

is thia one ok? and which prot on computer is VGA prot? please i need you guys help.


I do it my way.....
Registered: Oct 2005
Location: NÖ - Petzenkirc..
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Hello amon!

Welcome to the Forum!

Which Computer do you have?
If i understood correctly you only have a VGA Port?

I think this Singal Converter is not a very good solution, it would be easier if you'll buy a cheap Graphiccard with a HDMI Port on it.

Also VGA is a analog Signal and HDMI is digital, i don't know exactly what this sginal converter can do, but i think you won't get the full HD signal.


lg quad


My Little Pwny
Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Scotland
Posts: 13504
What type of TV do you have?


Registered: Jun 2000
Location: Wien
Posts: 8343
I wouldn't buy this signal converter because of the picture quality loss if you use VGA to display HD material.

Maybe http://www.xtreamer.net/xtreamer/overview.aspx or Popcorn Hour A-200 http://www.popcornhour.com/onlinest...&item_id=20 suits your needs as well? I prefer them over streaming from the pc because of the ease of use.


Registered: Mar 2002
Location: nähe Linz
Posts: 7688
the converter from the first post converts tv signals into VGA -> wrong direction...

and there is absolutly NO picture quality loss if you use VGA to display HD material. VGA can be used with unlimited resolution, frame rate and colour depth...

My old Iilyama Vison Master runs 2560x1600 @ 32Bit @ 60Hz on the VGA Interface, that need's much more performance than Full-HD...

Only on newer GFX-Cards the VGA outputs are sometimes too "slow" to produce a sharp picture on a good CRT with hundreds of MHz pixel clock.
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