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chase88 20.03.2022 - 13:12 2860 5


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Mar 2022
Location: linz city
Posts: 1
I need to select a processor from either brand for 1080p 165Hz gaming. I have shortlisted the i7 10700, the i5 11400 and the Ryzen 5 5600x. Is there a processor worth checking out? Which of these three would be the best with my 1070? Thanks in advance. https://omegle.onl/ https://xender.vip/
Bearbeitet von chase88 am 26.03.2022, 15:55


Dry aged
Registered: Mar 2006
Location: Kimosabe
Posts: 2977
Imo the 1070 will bottleneck anyway, so said options are equally fine.

Blaues U-boot

blupp, blupp
Registered: Aug 2005
Location: Graz
Posts: 1542
if no near future gpu upgrade is planned or no specific performance requirements are issued, any 6 core 12 thread cpu from the last 2-3 generations will do the job fine.
from the given 3 cpus the am4 platform would be my choice.

a good price to performance choice and also very fast would be the 12400(F) with a ddr4 B660 board.


Er ist tot, Jim!
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: Wien
Posts: 50534
The Intel options are not *state of the art". But if you already have the proper mainboard could be a decent upgrade.

The GTX 1070 isn't the fastest anymore. Depdending on your game it should do. So the CPU isn't that relevant here.

Just from the performance side the AMD 5600X should be the fastest Option here.


social assassin
Registered: Jul 2002
Posts: 12154
Why would you select older Intel options? I would definitely go for a 12600K in your case.

Blaues U-boot

blupp, blupp
Registered: Aug 2005
Location: Graz
Posts: 1542
why pay 100€ more (12400(f) vs 12600k) for no gain in 1080p gaming with an old gpu?
I think the thread opener is looking for a budget option.
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