"Christmas - the time to fix the computers of your loved ones" « Lord Wyrm

Canon EOS 450D

Umlüx 24.01.2008 - 16:04 6447 29


Registered: Mar 2001
Location: gigritzpotschn
Posts: 6691
hab ich mir auch gerade gedacht...


Huge Metal Fan
Registered: Jun 2001
Location: Kärnten
Posts: 8970
wohl kaum. wenn man genau schaut war aber imho auch die D40x keine direkte konkurrenz zur 400D sondern eine eigene klasse


Managing the unmanageable
Registered: Nov 2001
Location: im Bonner Exil
Posts: 3532
We had all the vitals last night except for the price. Lucky for us, the D60 showed up today over at Henry's with a pricetag of $800, not bad at all for this low-end DSLR. Nikon still hasn't said anything officially beyond "pricing information will be available approximately 30 days prior to sales availability," and we haven't seen the camera, which arrives in February, available for pre-order elsewhere, but $800 seems like as good a guess as any.


Und auch was neues von Sony:
With just days to go until PMA, it looks like security's starting to slip a little bit -- a little creative sonystyle.com URL trickery led Beline at the Dyxum forums to images of those Sony A300 and A350 DSLRs we'd heard about. The A300 is an update to the A200, adding in live preview and a flip-out swivel screen, while the A350 looks like it'll be a 14.2 megapixel unit and probably includes live preview and the swivel screen as well. We're hearing that an A900 is also in the works, but that's a just a whisper -- looks like there might be some surprises in store this week after all.


Oh boy pixel fans, Sony just announced a new 35mm full size CMOS sensor touting 24.81 million effective pixels. The new sensor is destined for future professional-level DSLRs "within this year" in an effort to mimic the aspect ratios and distortion of their film predecessors while keeping one step ahead of the pixel wars. Sony's "Column-Parallel A/D Conversion Technique" used in the new sensor is said to achieve high S/N even while shooting 6.3, 12-bit frames per second at full resolution.


Und was neues (altes) von Sigma:

We understand that many of you have relinquished hope of seeing Sigma's compact DP1 with DSLR-sized (APS-C not full-frame) sensor. For the rest of you, take note, Sigma just sprouted a new teaser page promising, "The worldwide debut, soon." For all of Sigma's claims that the DP1 is "a camera that belongs to no known category," we'll be sure to toss it under the "vaporware" tag if we don't see it say, PMA-soon as in tomorrow.
Bearbeitet von Krabbenkoenig am 30.01.2008, 11:25


frecher fratz
Registered: Feb 2001
Location: is where it is
Posts: 6334
sigma soll das teil endlich raus bringen kann ja nit so schwierig sein oder? luschen pack!

60er macro wird geownt ... oder so


master of disaster
Registered: Feb 2004
Location: OÖ
Posts: 5231
******* auf dp1, die solln endlich das 200-500 2.8 rausbringen :D


Registered: Mar 2001
Location: gigritzpotschn
Posts: 6691
Zitat von smashIt
******* auf dp1, die solln endlich das 200-500 2.8 rausbringen :D

_das_ wiederum ist ein echtes monstrum :D


Managing the unmanageable
Registered: Nov 2001
Location: im Bonner Exil
Posts: 3532
It may be a low-end DSLR contender, but Nikon's D60 can still surprise. Seems Nikon and Eye-Fi are in cahoots as the D60 was just announced as the first shooter crowned "Eye-Fi Connected." The D60 recognizes the Eye-Fi wireless 2GB SD card when inserted then automatically adjusts its "power timer settings" so that picture transfers aren't interrupted. Kind of important when uploading hundreds dozens of 10.2 megapixel photos over WiFi. In return for the powerful industry nod, Eye-Fi will offer on-line integration with Nikon's "my Picturetown" this Spring. We'll be sure to go hands-on with the combo at PMA just as soon as we get the chance


fire walk with me
Registered: Sep 2002
Location: Traun
Posts: 3091
Zitat von smashIt
******* auf dp1, die solln endlich das 200-500 2.8 rausbringen :D
As part of Sigma's bumper lens launch, it has announced what might be the ultimate wildlife lens. Sigma claims the APO 200-500 f.2.8 is the world's first lens to offer an f/2.8 aperture at 500mm focal length. It comes with an "attachment" to give users a handy 400-1000mm f/5.6 option. The lens (which is cosmetically reminiscent of a piece of military hardware) weighs nearly 16kg and uses a dedicated Li-ion battery to provide power for focusing and zooming. It will be available in Sigma, Canon and Nikon mounts.


Sigma has announced the imminent availability of the greatly anticipated DP1 digital camera. The DP1 has a sensor around the size of those found in most DLSRs - although it is greatly different in terms of design - and aims to offer equivalent image-quality and specification in a compact format. In common with Sigma's DSLR offerings it utilizes Foveon's direct-image-sensor technology which detects three colors at each of its 4.6 million pixels (collecting the same amount of color data as a conventional 14 megapixel sensor). Our contacts at Sigma say it will be available in "spring."


Registered: Jul 2002
Location: Graz
Posts: 9820
Zitat von Pyros

wow, frag mich nur was sie kosten wird. jemand eine idee?


frecher fratz
Registered: Feb 2001
Location: is where it is
Posts: 6334
600-800 war vor nem jahr die rede

The Red Guy

Registered: Jul 2001
Location: Transdanubia
Posts: 3121
16kg? Kriegt man da einen Kofferträger und ein passendes Stativ dazu?

Btw. ich hab mir das mit den SD-Karten angesehen und finde das eine gute Sache. Die Kosten nämlich die Hälfte von den CFs, wenn man sich die schnellen Varianten ansieht - und nur die machen sinn. Ich hätt mir sowieso ein neues Speichermedium um die 8gb kaufen müssen. Ich hab für meine 10D nur eine 2gb Variante und das ist bissi wenig bei raw.

Und nikon kommt mir vor macht sich vor allem selbst konkurrenz mit der d60 gegenüber der d40x, aber is mir eh egal, weil ich hab alles von canon, macht keinen Sinn zu wechseln.


Registered: Mar 2001
Location: gigritzpotschn
Posts: 6691
wozu ein stativ, ein sherpa ist viiiiiiiieeeeeel günstiger ;)


Here to stay
Registered: Jul 2000
Location: Eisenstadt
Posts: 4519
Werd mir die Kamera morgen kaufen. (aller voraussicht nach)
Die Speicherkarte ist doch ganz in Ordnung oder? http://geizhals.at/a242788.html


frecher fratz
Registered: Feb 2001
Location: is where it is
Posts: 6334
spar dir geld und hol ne ultra II. deine kamera ist viel zu langsam als dass sie jemals an die limits der karte stoßen könnte.


Here to stay
Registered: Jul 2000
Location: Eisenstadt
Posts: 4519
Hab mir eine stinknormale sandisk karte kaufen müssen. Da der Shop nicht offen hatte und die Zeit gedrängt hat.
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