"Christmas - the time to fix the computers of your loved ones" « Lord Wyrm

Und die Erde ist doch eine Scheibe!

UncleFucka 24.03.2006 - 01:11 3070 20


Little Overclocker
Registered: Jan 2004
Location: österreich
Posts: 85
tjo... "dont feed the troll" is alles was mir einfällt...


Big d00d
Registered: Aug 2000
Location: Regensburg, DE
Posts: 244
De han ja bloß no fertig.....


Here to stay
Registered: Jul 2001
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Posts: 5028
wtf 11 pages, na servas :D

*page2öffne" ... gut das heut nix los is in firma ;)

edit: muha :D

Prof. Thomas Harper Adams:

My name is Tomas Harper Adams, Prof, Phd. I have worked for NASA for nearly 30 years now, I am currently the captain of the Starship Enterprise. In this role I have spend many of my years in space travlleing through galaxys for lightyears. Obviously I have seen the earth many many times from outer space, and I can assure you that it is not flat, and is spherical. I have just recently returned from the nubular region of the universe, and upon reading much about the "flat earth society", I have decided to organise a trip just for you morons, I will be taking up 50 passengers, so I can prove to you idiots that the earth is most definately round. I have planned for my ship to take you passengers on the 5/06/2006. We at NASA will be holding a meeting for all willing participants at our headquarters in Washington D.C. Would anyone be interested? please phone (301) 286-8981, and quote "flat earth society, space mission 2006".

Yours faithfully Prof. Thomas Harper Adams.

geht also bald los ;)
Bearbeitet von questionmarc am 24.03.2006, 15:20


frecher fratz
Registered: Feb 2001
Location: is where it is
Posts: 6334
packt man ja nicht *kopfschüttl*


Erbeeren für alle!
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: Proletenacker
Posts: 14469
willkommen zurück im mittelalter,ob die auch pro-hexenverbrennung sind? :D


Big d00d
Registered: Nov 2004
Location: sogined
Posts: 167
woohooo, ich kann nicht mehr!
Gravitation? das liegt wohl in Bielefeld? :D
ich glaub die intelligenz des menschen is auch nur eine lüge die uns irgendwer erzählt....ich für meinen teil hab genug beweise gesehn :D

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