Rc5-72 Beta LÄuft!!!!
Shadow 16.10.2002 - 14:08 4094 54
i am still docht ...
http://www1.distributed.net/download/prerelease.htmlclient v2.9000 (builds 475 and up) contain support for our new rc5-72 project. Please keep these items in mind when running one of these versions. Because these are BETA quality clients, there are likely to be large numbers of issues discovered. Please see the current list of outstanding issues before opening a new item. These clients communicate with the DNS address *.v29.distributed.net. This currently points to a separate BETA network of servers that are running RC5-72 only (no OGR). The BETA network currently does not support traffic on non-standard ports (ie: no support for port 23/80/etc traffic). There are no current plans to provide stats for work computed with these clients while they are in BETA state. The file format of client buffers have changed! Be sure to flush your OGR work before running these clients. (Ideally you should run these new versions in a separate directory from any existing clients.) These clients can only communicate with proxies that are version 330 or higher. All workunits are now of size 2^32. The client currently does not allow the selection of larger sized workunits, though we will re-introduce this functionality at a later time. There are no plans to provide smaller sized workunits. All BETA clients will print out a status message every 10 minutes reminding you that you are running a BETA client, and how much time remains before your version will expire. The RC5-72 cores in these clients are still preliminary implementations and are not hand-optimized in assembly language yet. We welcome contributions of new cores based off of the reference implementations from the source code page. Please do not send questions regarding these BETA clients to any of the mailing lists. You are instead encouraged to ask them on IRC or by e-mailing support.
downloading... naja, immerhin etwas zu rechnen, wird dem armen prozzi ned kalt
Bearbeitet von Anon337 am 16.10.2002, 14:13
hmmm, da gibz ja noch keinen mac-client... *sniff*
Bearbeitet von whitegrey am 16.10.2002, 14:18
i am still docht ...
es ist nur ein beta test die wus werden nicht gezählt is nur um die stabilität des clients zu testen
0.00:00:17.34 [366,590 keys/sec]
die cores sind auch noch nicht wirklich optimiert heißt ja BETA
overclock your life
nice ! gleich mal laufen lassen.
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just cracking:....
i am still docht ...
duron 800@1010: 367kkeys lapi p1 120: 26kkeys *G*
gesamt: 393kkeys
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[Oct 16 12:25:20 UTC] *** This BETA release expires in 5.02:23:51.00. *** nice Ich haus ma auch gleich aufs notenbuch (120mhz)
i am still docht ...
najo i werd mal mein rscc umstellen *G*
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wieviel lädt der in den cache? p1-225 mhz wie lange kann der ohne i-net rechnen? p1-120 mhz -"-
...damn ich hätt da jetzt 2 G4 und es gibt keinen mac-client *heul*
i am still docht ...
wieviel lädt der in den cache? p1-225 mhz wie lange kann der ohne i-net rechnen? p1-120 mhz -"- reine einstellungssache LINUX Client um einiges schneller als windows client =( The dnetc v2.9000-475-GTL-02101123-*dev* for Win32 runs RC5-72 about half as fast on all cores as the dnetc v2.9000-475-CTL-02101100-*dev* for Linux on the same hardware with the same cores selected. This is noticeable both in the benchmark and in regular client usage. ------- Additional Comment #1 From Andreas Beckmann 2002-10-14 09:29 ------- The RC5-72 cores in these clients are still preliminary implementations and are not hand-optimized in assembly language yet. So speed heavily depends on the compiler used and it's optimization. The Linux cores were compiled with gcc-3.2 (that optimizes rc5-72 a lot better than 2.95.x), the Windows build was done with Visual C++. We welcome contributions of new cores based off of the reference implementations from the source code page.
Bearbeitet von Shadow am 16.10.2002, 15:01
Wait what
0wnage, werd ihn morgn amal gscheit confign und laufn lassn, hoffentlich fängts bald richtig an
i am still docht ...
gibt noch ärgere probleme mim client was i grad so les http://n0cgi.distributed.net/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=2885aber nur auf machen sys, genauer grund is nu ned klar *G* aber es is ned cpu abhängig und die core's sind noch soo mies *G* postet mal eure werte wenns schon wer laufen hat
Bearbeitet von Shadow am 16.10.2002, 15:19
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[Oct 16 14:05:39 UTC] *** This BETA release expires in 5.00:43:32.00. *** .....10%.....20%.....30%.....40%..... [Oct 16 14:15:40 UTC] *** This BETA release expires in 5.00:33:31.00. *** .....10%.....20%.....30%.....40%.....50%.. [Oct 16 14:25:41 UTC] *** This BETA release expires in 5.00:23:30.00. *** .....10%.....20%.....30%.....40%.....50%.... [Oct 16 14:35:42 UTC] *** This BETA release expires in 5.00:13:29.00. *** .....10%.....20%.....30%.....40%.....50%.....60%. [Oct 16 14:45:43 UTC] *** This BETA release expires in 5.00:03:28.00. *** .....10%.....20%.....30%.....40%.....50%.....60%.
So schauts bei mir aus?!? Was hab ich falsch gemacht?