Abbau der Medienfreiheit, Demokratie, ... in Österreich
01:07 FendiMan
01:07 FendiMan
Zitat"...I realize that my testing was not entirely scientific. It was simply designed to give me a base sound output using a particular format that I could apply to each console. After I performed all of these tests I thought that perhaps because the DVD drive on the Xbox 360 was on the others side from where I had measured, that the results might be different had I measured the sound output on the left side of the console while playing a game. To be fair, the BluRay drive on the PS3 is located on the rights side of the console. I tested the console again and found that the sound output from the Xbox 360 increased to roughly 62 dB, or 1 dB more than that measured on the right side of the console..."
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