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Welche "Next-Gen" Konsole ist die Lauteste?

TOM 17.01.2007 8099 19
Pregamelobby.com hat in diesem Test die drei aktuellen "Next-Generation" Konsolen, Microsoft Xbox360, Sony Playstation3 und Nintendo Wii bezüglich ihrer Lautstärke getestet. Reviews zur Grafik und anderen Features gibt es ja wie Sand am Meer, welche jedoch die Leiseste ist, wird hier geklärt.
Alle Konsolen bewegen sich in der Gegend von ca. 50dB, jedoch gibt es zum Teil größere Unterschiede (zum Beispiel) beim Zugriff auf die verschiedenen Speichermedien.

  • Xbox 360 – on average least noisy, generally level noise output
  • PS3 – Not noisy at first, but fairly noisy once on for a short while
  • Wii – Virtually no noise… until you play a game and then the noisiest of the bunch
"...I realize that my testing was not entirely scientific. It was simply designed to give me a base sound output using a particular format that I could apply to each console. After I performed all of these tests I thought that perhaps because the DVD drive on the Xbox 360 was on the others side from where I had measured, that the results might be different had I measured the sound output on the left side of the console while playing a game. To be fair, the BluRay drive on the PS3 is located on the rights side of the console. I tested the console again and found that the sound output from the Xbox 360 increased to roughly 62 dB, or 1 dB more than that measured on the right side of the console..."
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