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USB 2.0 to SATA / IDE

TOM 23.03.2006 11396 30
Unsere Overclocker-Kollegen aus Australien haben das USB 2.0 to SATA / IDE Cable genauer unter die Lupe genommen. Wer sich diesen Artikel durchliest wird erkennen, dass dieser "Adapter" eine gute Alternative zu einem normalen externen Festplattengehäuse ist.
"...This is quite a handy device that performs as advertised. One unit isn't a proper sample set of course, but it seems the quality of included power supply might not be the best - hopefully Brando will address that in future units. I might have just lucked out this time, though, and gotten a bad one. Anyway, the cable itself seems to work well and makes life a lot simpler if you don't want to use an external enclosure. Brando offer the unit for US$ 35.00 from their website in Hong Kong..."
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