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The World's Largest Custom Made STAR WARS Toy

HP 26.07.2002 5976 6
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May the force be with you!... So unglaublich, aber doch wahr, deshalb hat sich dieser Mod (:p) ein Newsitem verdient.
A 35ft long replica of the Tantive IV, also known as the Rebel Blockade Runner, built 1:1 scale to Hasbro's 3-3/4 inch action figures. Taking nearly a year to complete, I built this gigantic toy because noone else in the world had ever made anything like it. AND Since Hasbro only gives us great looking figures with "never to proper scale" vehicles to go with them, I decided to take matters into my own hands.
... so der Ersteller des Werkes. Um günstige 12000 USD kann man dieses Replikat auf eBay ersteigern.
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