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18:59 Kirby
18:59 Kirby
Derzeit testen wir gerade, inwiefern diese Werte überhaupt in der Praxis zum Knacken von Rekorden relevant sind. Eines können wir euch schon einmal verraten: 2400 MHz mit CL7-8-8-24 1T ist für die GTX6 auch kein wirkliches Problem! Für Details müsst ihr euch aber noch gedulden, denn wir haben noch einige Tests auf unserer Liste stehen, bevor wir noch etwas veröffentlichen. Zum Abschluss gibt es dafür ein paar neue Bilder für euch, die das Bench-System und dessen Auf- und Abbau gestochen scharf darstellen:ZitatCorsair Dominator GT (GTX6) breaks two DDR3 Memory Speed World Records
– Extreme overclocker “Mat” achieves 3078.2MHz, CL8 and 3059.4MHz, CL7 –
FREMONT, California — September 8, 2010 — Corsair®, a worldwide designer and supplier of high-performance components to the PC gaming hardware market, today announced that its Dominator® GT GTX6 ultra-high performance DDR3 memory was used to set two new world records for dual-channel memory frequency at CAS 7 and CAS 8.
The record-setting frequencies of 3078.2 MHz, CL8-11-8-31, 1T, and 3059.4 MHz, CL7-11-8-31, 1T, were achieved by renowned extreme overclocker “Mat”, aka Matthias Zronek, from www.overclockers.at.
“I've worked with the Corsair Dominator GT memory for quite some time now, and can easily say that these are great memory modules, dedicated to world-record overclocking,” stated Matthias Zronek. “What surprised me the most is the potential of the Domintator GT GTX6. Even at 3000MHz and higher frequencies, at CL7, there is still headroom for lots of optimization.”
The hardware used included a Gigabyte P55A-UD7 motherboard, Intel® Core™ i7-870 processor, and a pair of Corsair Dominator GT CMGTX6 modules. Corsair’s innovative modular DHX+™ technology allowed a Besi Memory-Freezer to be directly attached to the memory heat sinks, enabling benchmarking temperatures as low as -90 degrees C using liquid nitrogen.
Independent validation of these world record achievements can be found at the CPU-Z validation database:
3078.2 MHz, CL8: http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1374351
3059.4 MHz, CL7: http://valid.canardpc.com/show_oc.php?id=1374368
Full details about the world records, and how they were achieved, can be seen on the Xtremesystems forums, here: http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums...ad.php?t=258612
For more information on Corsair Dominator GTmemory, please visit: http://www.corsair.com/products/dominatorgt/
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