Killer NIC
JC 07.09.2006 - 21:29 885 2
Review @ gD Hardware.comBigfoot markets its “Ultimate Ping” advantage, however, nowhere in our testing did we ever see a ping advantage that was large enough to justify the $280 dollar price-tag; we see it more of an added bonus – the icing on the cake if you will. Under more scenarios we saw a ping difference of no larger than 3-5 milliseconds. This isn’t surprising to us in light of the fact that once packets leave your PC they are extremely vulnerable to tons of other lag-inducing issues such as distance, ISP routers, etc.
[...]Our final analysis of Killer is that it does deliver quite well on helping to squeeze out more performance (as measured by Frames per second), supports FNA and marginally helps ping; however, is it worth the $280 dollars? I suppose that depends on who you ask. If you talk to a typical VoodooPC or FalconNW system buyer who just shelled out over $5k on a complete system, then I’m sure they’d demand the best possible gaming NIC out there but if you ask a do-it-yourselfer than chances are very slim.
hätte nicht gedacht das so viel bringt .... aber 280$ sind schon ein stolzer preis, um das geld kreigt man schon eine bessere grafikkarte (wenn man net schon die beste hat )
kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass bigfoot da nen ultimativen bestseller auf den markt bringt...