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ECS KA3-MVP Extreme

JC 17.07.2006 - 08:41 1178 1


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9066
Review @ motherboards.org
ECS has done a good job with its KA3-MVP Crossfire motherboard. It's one of the first ATI-based motherboards released for the AM2 platform. Because the memory controller on the AMD CPUs is on the CPU and not the chipset, performance differences between different chipsets are small, making the choice of motherboard purchase based upon whether you want SLI or Crossfire platforms. Feature-wise, the ECS KA3-MVP motherboard includes the ability to Crossfire two ATI cards, 7 SATA devices, a Gigabit Ethernet controller, and two Firewire ports. The minimal expansion on the board is a bit disappointing, but the multiple SATA devices on a single port make for an excellent new feature as more and more devices move to SATA.


core i7 Addicted
Registered: Mar 2005
Posts: 997
Geile Karte... und wie viel kostet das ding? das mainboard is einfach nur w00t. Da haben aber sicher Designer ihre finger im Spiel gehabt.. das ist so schön ääh farbig :D. http://www.geizhals.at/a204778.html < nur 114€ oO Nur Leider hänge ich sehr an meiner NVIDIA Geforce N6600GT voN ASUS ^^ und die ist eben noch AGP. Und es sind ziemlich wenige PCI Slots wegen PCIe und mir sind es ehrlich gesagt zu wenig ^^
Bearbeitet von n4plike am 17.07.2006, 11:35
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