Asus P4T533
Garbage 21.06.2002 - 17:19 993 0
ElderThe Wizard of Owls
OC Workbench hat sich mit dem Asus P4T533 das erste Board für 32-bit RDRAMs genauer angesehen, das ansonsten einem normalen i850E Board entspricht. ASUS P4T533 is the only board that uses RIMM4200. With the introduction of this new RIMM format, it marks a new trend in the market. From the tests, we see that RIMM4200 is pretty good in results in most of the benchmarks. Although the results reveal the difference is just a mere 5% improvement over the DDR266 platforms, the extra bandwidth doesn't seem to be fully utilised.
This board has conventional features like RAID, 6 channel audio, AGP Pro, 1Mhz stepping etc. The only pity is the lack of LAN on board. Although there is no diagnostic LED on board, it comes with POST Reporter. There is also the EZ-plug to use it with old PSU. Installation is also straightforward. If there are any problems, the documentation is always there to help to get it up and running. We are able to o/c to 150Mhz fsb at default voltage.
Overclocking wise, this board has 1Mhz stepping and also an independent PCI/AGP setting if you wish to keep your FSB at 133(533) and just overclock your PCI and AGP bus. Voltage adjustments are also available for Vcore.