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Abit BD7-II

Garbage 21.06.2002 - 17:29 1159 0


The Wizard of Owls
Registered: Jul 2000
Location: GR.ch|TI.ch
Posts: 11412
Auf OC Workbench gibt es ein weiteres Review des auf dem i845E basierenden Abit BD7-II.
Neben den bekannt guten overclocking Optionen lässt Abit auch die(von Intel offiziell nicht unterstützte) asynchrone Ansteuerung des Speichers mit 354MHz DDR zu.

ABIT BD7-II RAID is quite a plain board which has the only necessary features on board. It does not include any unnecessary functions which is not used at all. The performance of this board is pretty good. It can be seen that work has been done in tuning up the performance of this board to match or even better the rest.

Installation is straightforward. If there are any problems, the documentation is always there to help to get it up and running.

Overclocking wise, this board has SoftMenuIII which you could use to tune up your FSB and voltages for vcore and vdimm. On top of that, there is also the hidden feature to run the board at DDR354 mode (unofficially supported). At DDR354 Async mode, we see that there is a performance gain. Well, ABIT boards sometimes just give us some hidden surprises.
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