angefangen hat es damit, dass es fortschritte bei der implementierung von X11 gegeben hat:
Xlibe: an Xlib/X11 compatibility layer for HaikuEveryone seems to be doing “progress threads” these days, so I figured I’d join the fun. And now I have something that seems uniquely suited to such a thread.
To begin with, there was a note I made in my last progress report, about the potentiality of writing an “Xlib compatibility layer”, that is, an implementation of the X11 APIs without an X11 server…
So, I wondered if we might be able to do something similar on Haiku, in order to port X11 applications (or even entire toolkits…) without writing separate “native” backends for each and every one, and also without running an entire X11 server in the background. After some experimentation, I think this is indeed more than feasible, though we’ll see how far I manage to take it and how quickly…
Some of you have already picked up on this (or seen my intermittent ramblings in IRC about it) and noticed the repository that has shown up in my GitHub account, now called “xlibe” 77. After only about two weeks and change of development, it already is quite sophisticated, and I expect it will continue to advance from here. More details in my next posts…
I have fixed the redraw glitches (this was actually partially a problem in Haiku itself; I pushed some patches to Gerrit to resolve it), the hangs on mouse click events (the mouse now mostly works), and crashes on key events (however keyboard input does not work yet.) After a few other compatibility fixes, the “widgets” demo starts and displays largely correctly:
Link: My progress in porting WineThe incorrect stride is very strange. Input not working is less strange, some applications are very finicky about how they deal with Xlib events, and I know that logic isn’t precisely correct just yet.