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Voodoo Envy M:855

JC 05.11.2003 - 12:20 1387 1


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9066
Review @ AnandTech
We have extremely good impressions of the Voodoo Envy M:855 at first glance, after taking the time to put it through some benchmarks. Since this will be clearly marketed as a gaming platform, it only seemed appropriate to also look at image quality issues. From what we have been seeing and experiencing, the performance is up to par with the best of the best and is additionally ready for 64-bit computing.

That having been said, 64-bit computing won’t really take off until software support exists. The other scenario for 64-bit processors to proliferate the market is for immediate 32-bit performance benefits. But this is more of a side issue, as the M:855 is sold as a system not on the basis of the Athlon 64 DTR processor alone.


Registered: Jun 2002
Location: Pregarten`OÖ
Posts: 830
das book hab ich letztens bei NBC GIGA Help gesehen

sah ganz interresant aus!

so alienware mässig :)
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