Vereinsmitgliedbanned by FireGuy
Bloody Newbie
In real life it looks much much nicer than on the pictures above. The best pictures I have seen before I bought it were on Chinese websites, and they have dictated my decision.
Usually the notebooks look nicer on the pictures. However, this notebook look nicer in real life than on most of the pictures!
Vereinsmitgliedbanned by FireGuy
In real life it looks much much nicer than on the pictures above. The best pictures I have seen before I bought it were on Chinese websites, and they have dictated my decision.
Usually the notebooks look nicer on the pictures. However, this notebook look nicer in real life than on most of the pictures! glad you liked my pictures  I don't think it looks exceptionally good, but I agree: The design is "agréable" and practical too.
Bloody Newbie
Actually, I think it looks exceptionally good and it has very good build quality. As I told, the pictures are not reflecting that, neither yours nor others.  I actually can't name a notebook which would look as sweet as this one. Well, it may be just me. I love it from the first glance! Btw., I noticed from your pics now that you are not using the maximal screen resolution of this model. Is it your intention because the letters are too small for you on 10.6" 1280 x 768 screen? I am fine with the full screen resolution and small and crisp letters!
Bearbeitet von .EE am 21.12.2006, 01:22
Vereinsmitgliedbanned by FireGuy
I am using the native resolution of the disp, I just set the type to 125% (which I btw changed back to normal 3 days ago).
Mentioning build quality: although it still doesn't bend or look scratched, it's far from perfect. The upper and lower half of the chassis don't fit properly and the display looks like it is was not built in in a right angle.
Bloody Newbie
Mentioning build quality: although it still doesn't bend or look scratched, it's far from perfect. The upper and lower half of the chassis don't fit properly and the display looks like it is was not built in in a right angle. I don't have any complains about the display quality or the way it is built in. I probably know what do you mean about the upper chassis. I also had some imperfections: the one you mention, and the PCMCIA slot which was slightly caved in. I was not not considering those as a sufficient reason for sending the notebook back. However, when I sent it back for the reinstallation of a better/bigger hard disc, those imerfections have been improved on my request, and the service was very quick. My minor complain would be the keyboard build in quality, and the keys size. The notebook pisses off girls. Have you noticed it? I have noticed it in internet cafes in four countries.
Bearbeitet von .EE am 21.12.2006, 22:16
Vereinsmitgliedbanned by FireGuy
The notebook pisses off girls. Have you noticed it? I have noticed it in internet cafes in four countries.  i just noticed guys being pissed off by the fact, mine's half the weight  and there've been rumors it's build in Hanoi (due to the brand name) @case: at least, those imperfections (nice way round  ) are not unique. I wonder, whether I should send it back for an upgrade. Do you happen to know, whether there is a full-size Mini-pci slot? I'd like to replace the Wireless radio by a combined one with bluetooth( and a better throughput(just getting around 10Mbit Up/Downstream). Oh and I'd love to have a built-in Card-reader (just for the sake of having advantages over an ordinary smartphone  ) - any suggestions? on the other hand - I just don't need it. btw.I bought an external drive now, which consumes just about the same amount of room, as my notebook.  oh, an for those interested. The bigger battery now offers 4010mAh, which is 410 or around 10% better then standard. I get about 4hours including WiFi and >5h if it's off and I close the "bonnet" during the breaks.
Bearbeitet von Joe_the_tulip am 21.12.2006, 22:49
Bloody Newbie
does this PC the T31 play .mkv files in 720p? And does it have a normal or glossy screen?
What's the currenr price in Germany?
Vereinsmitgliedbanned by FireGuy
I haven't tried mkv files. Its not available anymore, but you can buy the new Version with a Core Duo ULV U2500. Its called the T333, looks exactly the same, but features a new Motherboard revision, which empowers you to equip it with the fastest portable Harddrive known to mankind (Seagate 7200.2) an MiniPCIe Cards (e.g. the excellent Intel 3945abg or its coming successor.)
Bloody Newbie
Thanks. There is a sale here in Amsterdam selling one for 1.200 euros (T31) but I think the T333 is a better deal for around 1.400 euros. But still, anyone wanna try some mkv 720p files on the T31? I might be able to get it cheaper since it's quite an old model right now
Vereinsmitgliedbanned by FireGuy
Im pretty sure you will have a hard time trying to find it. If you post a link to a .mkv file, I can test it for you. Although I would rather recommend you another Notebook: Be inspired
Bloody Newbie
Bloody Newbie
Vereinsmitgliedbanned by FireGuy
Sorry, was busy. btw. I seem to be the only one who owns one of these Laptops.
Your Clips works at about 80% Load at 1-1.2GHz using Videolan Client.
Bloody Newbie
Thanks, without stuttering? Nice. That means that this can be a 720p Media Center