ISP mit fester IP für Heimserver?
Caesar 27.08.2024 - 17:20 1432 14
Bloody Newbie
Hallo! Ich bin neu in Österreich (Graz) und denke über die Möglichkeiten nach, einen Heimserver zu betreiben und wie das mit den üblichen ISPs hier funktioniert.
Ist es möglich, eine feste IP zu bekommen oder muss man einen DDNS-Dienst einrichten? Hat hier schon jemand eine gute Lösung, die man empfehlen kann?
(Sorry for my (possibly) confusing German, I am not yet fluent so I use google translate a lot)
depends on what connection is available at your home? fibre? coax/cable TV? phone-wire?
Bei manchen Anbietern kannst du gegen Aufpreis eine statische IP-Adresse erhalten. Ich habe bei meinem Provider (Kabelplus) seit 10 Jahren die gleiche Adresse, die ist also defacto statisch.
Hat man dieses Glück nicht, ist die Einrichtung eines DDNS Dienstes aber auch kein großer Aufwand. Vor allem, wenn man ohnehin einen Heimserver betreibt.
Here to stay
DynDNS-Dienste sind aber auch desöfteren sehr dynamisch in der Funktionsweise und funktionieren genau dann nicht wenn mans brauchen würd English: DynDNS-Services sometimes also just work 'dynamically' - and usually fail when you need them
ElderEr ist tot, Jim!
fonira has the option to book a fixed IPv4 address Just check what connection is available for you. Many of the ISP only offer such a option to business customers
Auf diesem Fonira-Portal kann man die am Standort technisch erzielbare Bandbreite gut im Vorhinein abschaetzen: ist der beste ISP, bei dem ich je war. Und ja, dort kann man eine statische IPv4-Adresse sowie einen statischen IPv6-Prefix (/60) fuer ein paar Euro im Monat dazubekommen.
You can get a static IP from most if not all ISPs, also with non-business contracts.
Cost is 4..10 eur/month.
DynDNS-Dienste sind aber auch desöfteren sehr dynamisch in der Funktionsweise und funktionieren genau dann nicht wenn mans brauchen würd Darum eigene (sub)Domain und Nameserver bei einem Anbieter der eine api fürs Update hat.
Bearbeitet von berndy2001 am 27.08.2024, 19:05
Vereinsmitgliedlike totally ambivalent
Most Internet Cable ISPs have very long lease times, which basically means you have a static IP for a year or more. Phone network and mobile providers usually want you to pay extra for a static IP.
Bloody Newbie
Very nice! Thanks for all the answers I think that for my current apartment, the most obvious internet connection would be Magenta over the cable-TV connection, so I'll try that and see how often they change the IP.
connoisseur de mimi
Very nice! Thanks for all the answers
I think that for my current apartment, the most obvious internet connection would be Magenta over the cable-TV connection, so I'll try that and see how often they change the IP. I had magenta in graz for ~10y now, the only times my ip changed is when the modem died and I got a replacement (happened twice so far)
Schwarze Socke
I think that for my current apartment, the most obvious internet connection would be Magenta over the cable-TV connection, so I'll try that and see how often they change the IP. I'm using Magenta Cable as my ISP, with the modem in bride mode and my personal firewall behind that. The IP of the external interfaces changes so seldom, that I can't remember when it changed the last time. As long as you do not change your MAC address of your external interface when issueing your DHCP requests to Magenta, you will receive the same IP for a very long time.
same here. for bridge mode you have to call the hotline or send an email to the support. the newest modem does not allow to change it yourself.
for bridge mode you have to call the hotline or send an email to the support. the newest modem does not allow to change it yourself. And they want a reason. "For work because of VPN access" is sufficient. The IP of the external interfaces changes so seldom, that I can't remember when it changed the last time It's very rare, but I have had a change several times, even though I haven't changed anything on my hardware. So you can't rely on it 100%.
Bearbeitet von berndy2001 am 29.08.2024, 13:48
I once had Magenta, initially with IPv6. As stated by berndy2001, simply requesting IPv4 and bridge mode "for work/VPN/..." via support worked (at least several years ago).