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WirelessHD 1.0 released

Armax 03.01.2008 - 17:15 1253 0


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WirelessHD or WiHD™, is a wireless high definition digital interface standard operating in the unlicensed and globally available 60 GHz frequency band and represents the first consumer application of 60 GHz technology. It is suitable for a wide range of devices including televisions, HD disc players, set-top boxes, camcorders, gaming consoles, adapter products, as well as other source devices.

Completion of the WirelessHD specification enables CE manufacturers to focus on their WirelessHD-based product development efforts. WirelessHD’s 4 Gbps high-speed wireless digital interface and secure content protection technology ensures that future products developed based on the specification will provide consumers with a secure, quick and easy way to connect, play, transmit and port their HD content among a wide range of devices. The specification also includes provisions for universal remote control of all WirelessHD compliant devices.

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