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NV30: News und Performance Preview

Zaphod 17.08.2002 - 11:58 735 3


Registered: Mar 2001
Location: VIENNE
Posts: 3335

But the most interesting piece of info on the new solutions is the anticipated performance of the NV30.

-- In Quake3 1280x1024 with 4x FSAA Nv30 is expected to work 2.5 times faster than GeForce4 Ti4600.
-- In 3DMark2001 SE NV30 will perform 3 times faster than the predecessors.
Taking into account NV30 architecture, it will prove 3.5 times faster than GeForce4 Ti4600 in Quake3.
-- The effective fillrate of NV30 in case of 2x anisotropic filtering will be 2.7 times higher than by the today’s flagman.
-- In case of pixel and vertex shaders, we expect this solution to show really great performance increase. In particular, pixel shaders will be processed 4 times faster (it is most likely to be about DirectX 8.1 shaders), and the GPU processing speed will grow up to 200 million polygons per second.


Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Wien
Posts: 450
selbiges gabs bei reactor critical auch zu lesen, ebenso auch folgendes, was du nicht zitiert hast:
The effective memory bandwidth reached 48GB/sec. The memory in this case will work at 1GHz frequency and will communicate with the chip via 256bit bus.

1. unrealistisch 2. TEUER und nicht normalnvidiamonopolistenteuer, sondern richtig teuer :)


Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Wien
Posts: 450
ah i seh grad das is von rc sogar zitiert auf bl :)


OC Addicted
Registered: Dec 2001
Location: Wien 21
Posts: 4650
verglichen mit den restlichen werten is die polygonrate bissl schwachbrüstig (aber wie gesagt nur im vergleich zum rest :D)

aber wenn die wirklich die leistung bringt is ma (fast ;)) wurscht wieviels kostet - i will ja mein (dual ?) hammer ned unterfordern wenna da is :)
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