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HP 21.06.2002 - 18:57 8466 1


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Nachdem vor wenigen Tagen die neueste Matrox Grafikkartengeneration erschienen ist, bietet ExtremeTech ein Interview mit Matrox's Marketing VP Dan Wood an. Themen, wie Clock Speeds, Surround Gaming, Treiber, Anti Aliasing, u.v.m. werden intensiv behandelt.
ET: Given that FAA operates on only 5-10% of pixels in a given scene, what kind of performance hit can we reasonably expect to see, particularly at high resolutions like 1600x1200 using say, 16X FAA?

DW: Our own internal tests have yielded performance hits of about 25% on average with FAA-16X enabled versus no anti-aliasing. This is compared to other vendors whose maximum quality anti-aliasing (only 4x) takes an average performance hit of around 60% at 1280x1024. I would like to point out that it would be fairly unnecessary to actually run 1600x1200 plus our FAA16x. The usual reason that people run apps at very high res is to get rid of the jaggies on edge pixels.[...]
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fool martyr
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w00t :cool:
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