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9800 pro

berend 01.10.2004 - 18:20 1725 27


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Oct 2004
Location: nethrerlands
Posts: 10
pleas speak english ok? so i know what to do if my bios doesn't work


"old" oc.at Member
Registered: Nov 2000
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The SiS 746FX of your motherboard is not a stable chipset. Its better when you upgrade to a Nforce 2 motherboard. ;)

(Beta) Bios: http://www.ocworkbench.com/2003/asr...os/betabios.htm


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Oct 2004
Location: nethrerlands
Posts: 10
i've upgraded my bios now. my videocard runs at agp 8x, and it seems to be stable. i also have a performance increase, like hoped. but, still if i compare it with systems that are about the same with the same videocard, i still have about half the fps they have. does anyone have an idea? i know my processor does have to work very hard, but when i checked some pages like, http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipset...?i=2149&p=7
i should have about 50 fps on doom3 test. i got 30.


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Bez. Tulln
Posts: 5311
I would say your mobo and RAM could slow your system down. You didn't post how much RAM you have and its speed... also the CPU will be a bit limiting.
You can't fully utilize the Graphicscard if the rest of your system can't handle the load - memory bandwidth and cpu power are also critical in games like Doom3.
Edit: Anyway 30fps in Doom3 is not that bad (but depends on the settings)


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Oct 2004
Location: nethrerlands
Posts: 10
my settings were 800*600 high quality.
i've got 512 mb ram333, i think my cpu does slow it down, but it should be as much as this. with my cpu i should be able to get a fps of 50 at least. That is what the site i linked to above says. I tested the use of my ram and it was below 300. So that should be ok.


Registered: Jun 2004
Location: LockeDintheLaB
Posts: 1851
...damn a bad score...( 800x600 O_o )

check this out is vsync activated (in game and/or in the ati cp)
if it is turn it off it limits ur fps a lot
maybe u got aa/af on check the settings and post(bench) again

seEn andL


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Bez. Tulln
Posts: 5311
did u run timedemo to get the frames? I noticed i have to run it 2 times, because on the 1st run it loads data from the HD which slows down extremely, on the 2nd run this doesn't happen.
just in case...


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Oct 2004
Location: nethrerlands
Posts: 10
I've haven't got aa/af on, but i can't find were to turn off/on vsync. i runned the timedemo of doom 3 twice and it improved with about 7 fps. better, but stil not the desired effect. Is it possible that it can help to reinstall windows xp over itself?


Here to stay
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get the prog "aTuner" and turn VSync off!


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Oct 2004
Location: nethrerlands
Posts: 10
this program gives an error:

Ungultiger Datentype fur "AntialiasSamples

uhm couldn't find an answer on the site because everything is in german, and i don't speak that so well.


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Bez. Tulln
Posts: 5311

there is a link 4 an english version on the right top ;)
anyway, I don't think vsync is to blame...
here is a screenshot where you can find the setting... it's german, but the layout should be the same in english ;)
vsync_64637.jpg (downloaded 21x)


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Oct 2004
Location: nethrerlands
Posts: 10
i already got that version but it gives an error when i try to run it. that error is in german.

wel actually i got the latest version of the video drivers, the layout is completely different. That's probabaly why i cant find it.


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Bez. Tulln
Posts: 5311
oh, i see.
i have the latest version 2, but there are 2 different control panels.
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