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Low voltage shutdown?

CollinMA 02.02.2007 - 15:50 874 3


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Feb 2007
Location: home
Posts: 3
Approximately how low could voltage go on a household current before a machine decides to turn itself off (go dead).

A client of mine is having random turn-off issues and I cannot find any hardware or software reason of this. Their entire house is on two 20A breakers and I'm wondering if this is the issue.

The machine is blown out and is fairly new so dust/heat isn't the problem. PSU rails look good along with multi-meter readings.



New world Order
Registered: Nov 2002
Location: Tirol
Posts: 9055
intressting question, did you tried to change the psu ? cause if the other riggs running i don't think the circuit is the problem


Here to stay
Registered: Aug 2002
Location: Wien
Posts: 3776
I dont know which input volatges you use, if the input voltage is 230V there should be only visible voltage drops.

Most PSU are designed for world wide use, so the voltage can drop to 110V with out any problems.


24/7 Santa Claus
Registered: Apr 2004
Location: Drüber da Donau
Posts: 6792
usally the psu is designed to avoid little voltage drops. if there are long and big voltage drops, you would realise that at any other hardware in the electric circuit for example at lamps.
Bearbeitet von Burschi1620 am 02.02.2007, 17:04
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