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Enermax Infinity

JC 28.02.2007 - 08:01 1467 1


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9066
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Review @ ProClockers
Like the rest of Enermax's line of power supplies you can chalk this one up as a keeper as well. The unit demonstrated pure stability at a noise level that anyone can live with. I love that I have the opportunity to test power supplies from Enermax as I have yet to find a loser in their ranks.

The Infiniti is a great product that has the ability to handle the highest level of personal computing. Being SLI and Crossfire ready, you would be hard pressed to find a better looking unit that can provide big numbers along with stable rails. Take a look at Enermax’s site under the features for this PSU and you will see that they say you can hit dual quad-core, triple GPUs and plus eighteen drives with the Infiniti. I wish I had the equipment to build something like that to see.


Do you Voodoo
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Klosterneuburg
Posts: 1779
Schaut extrem sexy aus :D
Vor allem die 3 12 Volt Leitungen mit 2x28 und 1x30A :eek:

Aber der Preis ist auch saftig! 169,90$!!!
Mit dem üblichen Europazuschlag werden das sicher um die 170-180 €uronen sein...
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