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to all peltier users

kepten 25.04.2003 - 20:43 1753 27


Registered: Jul 2000
Location: Raleigh-Phoenix
Posts: 405
Bearbeitet von kepten am 29.04.2003, 21:40


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Mar 2003
Location: Wien
Posts: 47
peltier: 224W (15V, 24A)

zern sa s s p cooler (coldplate is like 5 mm thick (duno exactly)
2 zern server single radiators
20L water tank kompressorchilled (my sys is not yet finished, there will be some stuff around that as soon as its finished ill post pics)
i am cooling an athlon xp tbred 2600+ currently running at 12.5 x 210mhz (this will be increased later)


Registered: Jul 2002
Location: Wien
Posts: 3639
Zitat von Style
peltier: 224W (15V, 24A)

zern sa s s p cooler (coldplate is like 5 mm thick (duno exactly)
2 zern server single radiators
20L water tank kompressorchilled (my sys is not yet finished, there will be some stuff around that as soon as its finished ill post pics)
i am cooling an athlon xp tbred 2600+ currently running at 12.5 x 210mhz (this will be increased later)

Temps ?


Let's push things forward
Registered: Aug 2002
Location: Graz
Posts: 1162
könnts ihr bitte deutsch reden damit ich auch was mitkrieg oder hat das englisch nen näheren sinn :confused:


Registered: Nov 2002
Location: mühl4tl / graz
Posts: 4721
lasst da halt den english stuff auf http://www.systran.heisoft.de übersetzen...



Registered: Jan 2003
Location: 1050
Posts: 2111
kannst ka englisch? :D

i hab vorgestern no net amal gwusst was a peltier is, aber mittlerweile denk ich ma, das die nachteile die vorteile kompensieren, wenn ma mich versteht :)

irgendwie kann ich mir nicht vorstellen das sich diese temps um die 0°+ auszahln für den aufwand, oder doch?


information keeper
Registered: Oct 2001
Location: New New York
Posts: 2503
Zitat von Käsekuchen
könnts ihr bitte deutsch reden damit ich auch was mitkrieg oder hat das englisch nen näheren sinn :confused:

kepten's profile: Location: Raleigh, NC USA

got the point?

edith 2 keep on topic:
i don't use peltier's. i think @ todays processors they must be so strong, that it's a huge step to manage the power supply for a >200W peltier... and how do you cool the other side? water, compressor?
it's to much work, a common watercooling or even a compressor (prometia, ...) is even more sufficient
Bearbeitet von Frys_Assassin am 25.04.2003, 21:14


im Stress
Registered: Apr 2002
Location: Linz
Posts: 2820
Zitat von Phobos
irgendwie kann ich mir nicht vorstellen das sich diese temps um die 0°+ auszahln für den aufwand, oder doch?
ist halt ein hobby wie jedes andere, für bastler sicher genialst, ich spiel mich auch gern mit meinen pelzis (2x 70w, 1x 224w)... sind w00t, nur halt schwer zu bändigen

and now please back to kepten's questions about the peltier-systems of other users :)


Let's push things forward
Registered: Aug 2002
Location: Graz
Posts: 1162
Zitat von Frys_Assassin
kepten's profile: Location: Raleigh, NC USA

got the point?

edith 2 keep on topic:
i don't use peltier's. i think @ todays processors they must be so strong, that it's a huge step to manage the power supply for a >200W peltier... and how do you cool the other side? water, compressor?
it's to much work, a common watercooling or even a compressor (prometia, ...) is even more sufficient

der kann super deutsch und wohnt afaik nur für daweil in den usa...
:bash: ihr könnts also ruhig deutsch reden er versteht euch a so bestens...
Bearbeitet von Käsekuchen am 25.04.2003, 21:18


information keeper
Registered: Oct 2001
Location: New New York
Posts: 2503
dachte mir den kepten kenn ich...
bezügl deutsch: :rolleyes:


Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Vienna
Posts: 1536
well peltiers are only good @idle because when u got a cpu with ~130watt heat its hard to cool the peltier(2xxwatt heat) so the most temps will be as high as normal watercooled... but @idle u`ll get temps ~0° its diffrent if u got a waterchiller or something like that..


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Mar 2003
Location: Wien
Posts: 47
i got like -2 to + 3 idle (depends on room temperature) and something around 10°C at load
but its mostly beause of the water beeing compressorchilled
once i forgot to turn on the compressor and got like 28 - 30 °C under load


Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Vienna
Posts: 1536
Zitat von Style
i got like -2 to + 3 idle (depends on room temperature) and something around 10°C at load
but its mostly beause of the water beeing compressorchilled
once i forgot to turn on the compressor and got like 28 - 30 °C under load

how much heat does your cpu?


hatin' on summer
Registered: Jan 2003
Location: Wien
Posts: 5842
Zitat von Frys_Assassin
dachte mir den kepten kenn ich...
bezügl deutsch: :rolleyes:

Es gibt auch noch Leute in diesem Forum, die versuchen die "Ein-Amerikanisierung" zu verhindern ! :D


hatin' on summer
Registered: Jan 2003
Location: Wien
Posts: 5842
Zitat von BaKeR
how much heat does your cpu?

Meine Englischlehrerin det mi köpfen :D
Bearbeitet von Vinci am 26.04.2003, 22:39
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