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Die Wahrheit über prometeia, mx-eva3, vapo und vapo pro !!

tombman 26.11.2002 - 18:05 2126 18


the only truth...
Registered: Mar 2000
Location: Wien
Posts: 9496
Dieser Artikel von jcviggen über so gut wie alle 3 Systeme (mx.eva3 nur am Rande) erklärt ganz klar wer die besten im Bereich des supercoolings sind und stellt auch ganz nebenbei meinen Ruf wieder her ;) (so gut wie alle mx.eva3 waren fehlerhaft, also war es NIE mein Pech mit Kompressoren, oder meine "Unfähigkeit"))
(btw, ich hab das Reparaturgeld von maxxxpert auch zurückbekommen, bin also einer der wenigen die von denen auch Geld gesehen hat;))


Tjo, die prometeia ownt alles ;)
Bearbeitet von tombman am 26.11.2002, 18:09


Bla bla bla
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: Wien,17
Posts: 8345
kans sein das da link ned geht? :(

weli irgendwann kommt auch mal prometeia daher ...hrhr :D


the only truth...
Registered: Mar 2000
Location: Wien
Posts: 9496
der link geht 100pro, selber getestet


begehrt die rostschaufel
Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Pre
Posts: 14645

link geht btw


Dr. Funkenstein
Registered: Mar 2001
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Naw, geht bei mir auch nicht => ist aber schon die Hauptdomaiun nicht erreichbar :(



Bla bla bla
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: Wien,17
Posts: 8345
Zitat von HaBa

grml :mad::mad:


Idle ...
Registered: Sep 2002
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kann mal jemand die ip posten, der die seite erreichen kann ?


begehrt die rostschaufel
Registered: Oct 2002
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Posts: 14645
UTA - ADSL... die domain geht, i hab alle 5 sec 2sec lang 500 pings


Idle ...
Registered: Sep 2002
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aon - complete -> geht nicht :( ->
unbekannter host -> IP bitte !


begehrt die rostschaufel
Registered: Oct 2002
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Posts: 14645



Idle ...
Registered: Sep 2002
Location: Wien
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thx für die ip, aber... bei mir gehts immer noch nicht... und wenn ich die ip pinge, dann krieg ich auch keine antwort... naja


| Defender of Freedom |
Registered: Aug 2001
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bei mir gehts a net


begehrt die rostschaufel
Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Pre
Posts: 14645
ip stimmt aber


Registered: Jan 2002
Location: in bed with spac..
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bei mir gehts auch nicht, damn ich wollt das umbedingt lesen...


begehrt die rostschaufel
Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Pre
Posts: 14645
[QUOTE]Prometeia:The next step in the evolution of Vapor Phase Change Supercooling Part2

By JCviggen

Preface: With my review specifically utilizing an AMD system with it's results, XtremeSystems esteemed Intel overclocker and Staff member JCviggen has written a contrasting Review of the Prometeia system utilizing his highly overclocked and killer benchmarking Intel system. I present to you his excellent insight and wisdom regarding the Prometeia cooled Intel version.

Randi "MrIcee" Sica

For as long as overclocking exists, there have been people and companies inventing new ways to make our precious hardware colder and faster. Every time one would think it cannot possibly get any more crazy or extreme, …. There is bound to be someone working on precisely this.

It has been a while since Asetek introduced its Vapochill case. At the time of its introduction, it was pretty much the only ready-made phase change solution for PC. Sure there was Kryotech, but with the price tag that it carried, it was not exactly selling as warm bread. So when the Vapochill case was launched, overclockers who read the reviews all thought one thing … I want this case ! Unfortunately, the price was still rather steep(Asestek have since made major price cuts). Overclocking in general means getting more speed for less money … so spending as much on cooling your PC as on all the other parts together did seem a bit over the top.

After all, even though phase change cooling was able to take your CPU a few hundred MHz higher than you would be able to go with the noisiest aircooling, it is still only a few hundred MHz.

The success of the Vapochill unit however has been enormous if you look at it in the right context…

The reason for this lies in the minds of overclockers. We all start of very very small and humble (yours truly had his first success with a Duron 700@770), but overclocking is often like a snow ball that starts running off a snow covered hill. Once you have had the taste of success, you can think of nothing but how to surpass this result. So after my initial success I went on buying better mainboards, better memory, better aircooling … until one day I realized one could only go so far with aircooling. I took the plunge and went for watercooling. After I reached those limits I was still unsatisfied and decided to use a strong peltier to assist in the cooling process. After losing some hardware and once again reaching the limit, the search for more began again. This time I bought a Vapochill unit. Somewhat ironically, I had said countless times I would never, ever buy this “thing”. It was expensive and simply too much “technology out of control”. But my hunger for running benchmarks faster forced me to make the purchase. And because overclocking has gotten very popular in the last few years, Asetek sold a whole lot of units to guys not unlike myself.

Forgive me this rant, but I feel I need to stress that we are not dealing with ordinary computing here. If you are satisfied with the speed of your PIII 500, if you have no need for running Microsoft Office any faster, then please close this page and take a walk through your garden or something. There are far nicer things to do than read about crazy cooling solutions you will never need.

Now, for those who stayed (I know that is all of you :p) , let me introduce to you, the Prometeia cooling solution. It has been brought to us by a Danish company called Chip-con , and it is stronger, colder and uglier than the Vapochill unit.

Interested ? Well you should be.......


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