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Stats: February 2019

mat 02.04.2019 - 11:22 3290 3


Legends never die
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: nö
Posts: 25564

Top Poster:

UserPostsOntopicOfftopic% OfftopicChars
Viper780 301 155 146 48.5 102883
hachigatsu 281 104 177 62.99 169605
rad1oactive 152 82 70 46.05 32058
charmin 127 96 31 24.41 32799
oxid1zer 127 57 70 55.12 27432
davebastard 125 75 50 40 33141
blood 113 73 40 35.4 36099
daisho 109 62 47 43.12 68462
Dune- 98 63 35 35.71 23058
HaBa 90 30 60 66.67 42659
semteX 74 36 38 51.35 30352
wergor 72 48 24 33.33 21118
xtrm 70 41 29 41.43 16613
UnleashThebeast 65 21 44 67.69 16501
lagwagon 64 25 39 60.94 26137
sk/\r 62 27 35 56.45 15334
WONDERMIKE 62 19 43 69.35 23571
Earthshaker 58 32 26 44.83 13189
ccr 57 23 34 59.65 23269
Cobase 56 13 43 76.79 14987
Hansmaulwurf 52 23 29 55.77 19474
total_eclipse 50 35 15 30 34616
Obermotz 48 21 27 56.25 15254
Master99 47 24 23 48.94 22595
22zaphod22 47 16 31 65.96 19741
Snoop 47 24 23 48.94 17091
Hubman 44 6 38 86.36 12377
Gentleman 43 31 12 27.91 8473
Dreamforcer 42 11 31 73.81 9983
berndy2001 42 21 21 50 9357
DKCH 41 14 27 65.85 8932
Krabbenkoenig 41 10 31 75.61 15082
creative2k 41 10 31 75.61 20985
Umlüx 38 24 14 36.84 8394
Probmaker 37 12 25 67.57 20722
s4c 36 17 19 52.78 19703
mat 36 30 6 16.67 75338
HVG 35 3 32 91.43 15079
normahl 35 26 9 25.71 7567
Smut 34 23 11 32.35 10493
JDK 34 26 8 23.53 12104
D-Man 34 16 18 52.94 7370
chinchin 32 16 16 50 12876
Hokum 32 3 29 90.63 6897
~PI-IOENIX~ 31 7 24 77.42 6516
XeroXs 31 7 24 77.42 5714
Fallot 31 30 1 3.23 9039
othan 31 24 7 22.58 12800
whitegrey 30 4 26 86.67 12795
Castlestabler 28 7 21 75 12277

Top Threadstarter:

UserThreadsRepliesOntopicOfftopic% Offtopic
HVG 16 32 0 16 100
oxid1zer 6 95 2 4 66.67
Bogus 5 26 2 3 60
Gentleman 5 16 3 2 40
bsox 4 11 2 2 50
HyDrO 4 25 0 4 100
UnleashThebeast 3 113 1 2 66.67
PIMP 3 34 0 3 100
thachriz 3 13 0 3 100
XelloX 3 38 3 0 0
vapormocom 3 0 3 0 0
davebastard 3 62 3 0 0
Viper780 3 44 2 1 33.33
Paxi 3 36 0 3 100
p1perAT 3 3 1 2 66.67
Master99 3 29 0 3 100
pinkey 2 14 0 2 100
dolby 2 54 0 2 100
Obermotz 2 81 1 1 50
Hampti 2 14 1 1 50
Error404 2 7 0 2 100
s4c 2 26 1 1 50
facehugger 2 8 0 2 100
Hansmaulwurf 2 25 1 1 50
total_eclipse 2 21 1 1 50
mat 2 14 2 0 0
zeta 2 9 0 2 100
Cobase 2 49 1 1 50
blood 2 242 2 0 0
Dune- 2 47 1 1 50
whitegrey 2 4 0 2 100
Roman 2 6 0 2 100
tinker 2 18 0 2 100
mani_portable 2 2 1 1 50
FX Freak 2 5 1 1 50
Vinci 2 2 2 0 0
Steelo 2 21 1 1 50
Umlüx 2 5 2 0 0
D-Man 1 0 0 1 100
Morpheus94 1 7 1 0 0
tialk 1 4 0 1 100
pirate man 1 8 0 1 100
creative2k 1 0 0 1 100
Athlon1 1 6 1 0 0
hachigatsu 1 5 1 0 0
Captain Kirk 1 0 0 1 100
Locutus 1 1 1 0 0
Turtle 1 8 0 1 100
BiOs 1 3 0 1 100
Weinzo 1 5 0 1 100

Top Link Poster:

using the Post-A-Link-Feature

UserPosted Links
HVG 31
oxid1zer 29
blood 22
wergor 13
Hansmaulwurf 12
Dreamforcer 7
D-Man 6
Viper780 6
Earthshaker 6
p1perAT 6
mat 5
rad1oactive 5
othan 4
creative2k 4
Smut 4
whitegrey 3
Obermotz 3
charmin 3
daisho 3
Diego 2
Mr. Zet 2
dosen 2
Ovaron 2
Hokum 2
enforcer 2
berndy2001 2
Fallot 2
GammA 2
FX Freak 2
Umlüx 2
Lord Wyrm 1
UnleashThebeast 1
mani_portable 1
s4c 1
Spikx 1
Cuero 1
Jackinger 1
Skatan 1
flotschie 1
22zaphod22 1
NyoMic 1
BlueAngel 1
Maestro 1
smashIt 1
Rogaahl 1
rastullah 1
quilty 1

Top Threads:

Thread0wnerViewsReplies (this month)
[Multi] Apex Legends (Battle Royale Game der Titanfall-Macher) blood 10798 161
Karfreitagsregelung neu UnleashThebeast 4897 100
[Serie] Love, Death & Robots oxid1zer 3181 11
Samsung Galaxy S10e, S10, S10 Plus und Foldable Earthshaker 3173 17
Suche Grafikkarte für altes System! Sinnvoll? pioneer 2732 29
Ö3 Dilemma: Motor laufen lassen Maestro 2341 57
Schlafprobleme? Obermotz 2284 73
Alte Steckdosenleisten... Cobase 2181 33
Unfall - wer ist schuld dolby 1953 37
Formel 1 Saison 2019 Starsky 1951 8

Forum 0wner:

Apple Viper780 3
Applications, Apps & Drivers charmin 6
Wiederauferstandenes, namenloses Forum - 0
Benzinbrüder hachigatsu 75
Coding Stuff charmin 1
Community Hub mat 12
Cooling nfin1te 12
Danger! High Voltage! Cobase 8
Desktops Viper780 8
Geek Cuisine hachigatsu 19
Gehäuse MaxMax 1
Grafikkarten xtrm 20
Home Theater total_eclipse 7
Internet & Provider oxid1zer 9
Konsolen oxid1zer 8
Laptops NonsensePro 3
Lichtspieltheater blood 39
Linux and other OS davebastard 2
Mainboards p1perAT 2
Members Only Viper780 24
Monitore xtrm 5
Netzwerktechnik TGIRichi 14
Number Crunching Dune- 9
Offtopic Viper780 76
Overclocking Team - 0
Pixelfreaks Viper780 65
Prozessoren blood 2
Science charmin 41
Shops & Shopping chinchin 9
Smartphones & Tablets Dune- 21
Sonstige Peripherie davebastard 5
Spiele blood 58
Sport & Fitness Darksteel 5
Storage & Memory spunz 5
Suche/Biete/Tausche HyDrO 26
User Feedbacks creative2k 2
Vapers Lounge lagwagon 1
Windows hachigatsu 4
World Events & Politics Hansmaulwurf 20

Top Attachments in news and articles:

AttachmentNews/ArticleViewsUploaded by
metro-exodus-pc-performance-review-rtx-on-dlss-performance-and-graphical-impact-1_236406.jpg NVIDIA stellt neue GeForce-Generation vor: RTX 2080 Ti, RTX 2080 und RTX 2070 543 blood
metro-exodus-pc-performance-review-rtx-on-dlss-performance-and-graphical-impact-2_236407.jpg NVIDIA stellt neue GeForce-Generation vor: RTX 2080 Ti, RTX 2080 und RTX 2070 540 blood
gigabyte-geforce-gtx-1660-ti-oc-pictured-benchmark-leak-price-confirmed-videocar_1_236456.jpg NVIDIA stellt neue GeForce-Generation vor: RTX 2080 Ti, RTX 2080 und RTX 2070 0 blood

Top Attachments in forum threads:

AttachmentThreadViewsUploaded by
img-20190205-wa00032_236220.jpg fun's welcome (new rule: no post w/o joke!) 1651 hachigatsu
51739694_2121379391281460_2061854665976315904_n_236306.jpg fun's welcome (new rule: no post w/o joke!) 1500 __Luki__
dsc_1324_236534.jpg Grille(-r/-en) 1223 D-Man
dsc_1326_236535.jpg Grille(-r/-en) 1198 D-Man
asdf1_236580.png Verkauf auf Willhaben - eure Meinung dazu 981 tialk
pvprod2019-jan_236119.png Hausbau Thread 963 hachigatsu
pvprod2018-dez_236120.png Hausbau Thread 958 hachigatsu
4si969f029401_236511.jpg [Kino] Alita: Battle Angel 723 blood
brexit_236109.jpg Brexit 712 Hansmaulwurf
unbenannt_236213.png Unfall - wer ist schuld 657 dolby


Posts 5344
Threads 187
New users 21
    Posts 37
    Threads 5
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(active users)
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Legends never die
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: nö
Posts: 25564
Spät, aber doch. ;)


Komischer Kauz
Registered: Mar 2012
Location: Jig-Jig Street
Posts: 7355
Gut dabei (auch wenn bisschen rot ;)).


Er ist tot, Jim!
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: Wien
Posts: 50545
Ich hab Apple ge0wnt? Am Freitag mein letztes Apple Gerät abgegeben, scheint also an drive zu verlieren
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